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PUBLIC NOTICE | Proposed Leaking UST Case Closure for Case File 5423.01

ADEQ is considering closure of the following leaking underground storage tank (LUST) case:

LUST Case File No.: 5423.01     

Facility ID No.: 0-003208
Maricopa County

PUBLIC NOTICE | Draft Hazardous Waste Permit for Veolia ES Technical Solutions, L.L.C.

A draft hazardous waste permit has been prepared for Veolia ES Technical Solutions, L.L.C.

Facility Name

Veolia ES Technical Solutions, L.L.C. (Veolia)
5736 West Jefferson Street
Phoenix, AZ 85043


South of Interstate 10; within the city of Phoenix, AZ.

PUBLIC NOTICE | Proposed San Manuel Sulfur Dioxide Maintenance Plan Renewal

ADEQ welcomes comments on the proposed San Manuel Sulfur Dioxide Maintenance Plan renewal.

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