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AQD | Smoke Management

Air Quality Division

Smoke Management Program

Revised On: Oct. 17th, 2024 - 09:26 am

Arizona Department of Environmental Quality (ADEQ) Smoke Management Program is certified by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). The program is specific to forest and range management burns done by federal and state land managers, along with municipal fire departments. Prescribed burning is necessary to help prevent catastrophic wildfires because of Arizona’s arid climate. This also helps maintain the health of the forests, prairies and brushlands by removing dry debris that collects on the ground that can ignite into a severe fire if not burned off properly.

Elements of ADEQ’s Smoke Management Program include:

  • Evaluating smoke dispersion potential of prescribed fires and wildfires
  • Approve, disapprove, or conditionally approve daily prescribed burn activity
  • Sharing details about approved prescribed burns to ADEQ’s website for public review | View >
  • Determining air quality monitoring needs and coordinating monitoring
  • Gathering and analyzing prescribed burn data including Emission Reduction Techniques to protect air quality
  • Encouraging regional coordination among federal and state land managers for adherence to EPA’s Regional Haze Rule

Approved Prescribed Burns

  • Get details about approved prescribed burns | View >

Community Engagement & Outreach

ADEQ is committed to working with our state and federal partners, the Arizona Department of Forestry and Fire Management and the United States Department of Agriculture/Forest Service, to increase awareness about the benefits and process of conducting prescribed fires, as well as educate our communities about the safe and effective land management practices that help protect people and property and keep forests healthy.

Hybrid Community Meeting | Watch >

ADEQ highlights information and resources related to prescribed burns and smoke management on its social media channels and encourages people to follow us to learn more and stay informed about these activities in Arizona. 


Prescribed Fires

Help Keep Arizonans Safe and Our Forests Healthy — Watch A Video

Revised On: Oct. 17th, 2024 - 09:26 am

Unit Supervisor
P: 602-771-2363
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