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Forms and Report Templates

Air Forms

The following are Ag BMP General Permit Record forms:

Water Forms 

• Notice of Termination (NOT) Application | View/Download Form > 

  • Consumer Confidence Report Mailing | Certification | Download > | Waiver | Download >
  • Consumer Confidence Report Template Package | Download >
  • DDBP Monitoring Plan | Download >
  • Drinking Water Analysis Reporting (DWAR) Forms
    • 02 - Inorganic Chemicals Point of Use Reporting | Download >
    • 02A - Water Quality Parameters Report | Download >
    • 02B - Asbestos Analysis | Download >
    • 02C - Composite Asbestos Analysis | Download >
    • 02IN - Inorganic Chemical Analysis Reporting | Download >
    • 03 - Synthetic Organic Chemical Analysis Reporting | Download >
    • 03A - Aroclor Analysis Reporting | Download >
    • 04 - Volatile Organic Chemical Analysis Reporting | Download >
    • 08 - Lead and Copper Analysis Reporting | Download >
    • 10 Composite Inorganic Chemical Analysis Reporting | Download >
    • 11A - Composite Volatile Organic Chemical Analysis Reporting | Download >
    • 12B - Composite Synthetic Organic Chemical Analysis Reporting | Download >
    • 15 - Surface Water Treatment Plant Monitoring Requirements at a Glance | Download >
    • 15AB - Systems Using Surface Water - Direct, Conventional, and Membrane Filtration | Download >
    • 15AB - Systems Using Surface Water - Slow Sand, Diatomaceous Earth, or Cartridge/Bag Filtration | Download >
    • 15C - Surface Water Purchase Systems | Download >
    • 16B - Bromate | Download >
    • 16D - Chlorine Dioxide - Chlorite | Download >
    • 16E - Chlroite Monthly | Download >
    • 17 - Total Organic Carbon/Alkalinity (TOCA) Analysis Reporting | Download >
    • 18A - MRDLs | Download >
    • 1GR - Groundwater Rule Triggered Monitoring | Download >
    • 1R - Revised Total Coliform Rule | Download >
    • 1S - Revised Total Coliform Rule Distribution System Monitoring | Download >
    • 20 - Long Term 2 Monthly Reporting for Cryptosporidium, E. coli and Turbidity | Download >
    • 20BW - Schedule 4 System Long Term 2 Bi-weekly Reporting | Download >
    • 20C - Reporting for Schedule 4 Systems Monitoring for Cryptosporidium | Download >
    • 20M - Schedule 4 System Long Term 2 Monthly Reporting | Download >
    • 20UV - Disinfection Log Removal for Split UV Chemical Systems (Monthly Report) | Download >
    • 20UVBC - Disinfection and Bag/Cartridge Filter Verification | Download >
    • 32 - Stage 2 DBP | Download >
    • 32POU - Stage 2 DBP Point of Use | Download >
    • 6 - Radionuclides | Download >
    • 6 - Radionuclides (Point of Use Only) | Download >
    • 6A - Man-Made Beta Particle & Photon Emitters Analysis | Download >
  • Drinking Water:
  • Emergency Operations Plan Template | Download >
  • Inorganic Chemical Waiver Application | Download >
  • LCR-B Lead & Copper Sampling Pool | Download >
  • LCR-C Lead & Copper Compliance Sampling:
  • Lead and Copper Sampling Procedures for Homeowners | Download >
  • Lead Consumer Notice | Download >
  • Lead Public Education Certification | Download >
  • Long Term 2 Monthly Reporting for E. coli for Schedule 4 System | Download >
  • Long Term 2 Monthly Reporting Form for Cryptosporidium, E. coli and Turbidity | Download >
  • Long Term 2 Notice of Intent to Provide Treatment for Cryptosporidium (Schedules 1 - 3 Only) | Download >
  • Long Term 2 Notice of Intent to Sample for Cryptosporidium (Schedule 4 Only) | Download >
  • Long Term 2 Sampling Location Worksheet | Download >
  • Long Term 2 Schematics 1 - 10 | Download >
  • Long Term 2 Source Water Sampling Plan Requirements Checklist | Download >
  • MRDL Monitoring Plan | Download >
  • Operations and Maintenance Manual Template | Download >
  • Optimal Corrosion Control Treatment for Systems Serving 50k or Fewer (Excel) | Download >
  • Optimal Corrosion Control Treatment for Systems Serving More Than 50k (Excel) | Download >
  • Reduced Monitoring Application | Download >
  • Revised Total Coliform Rule Level 1 Assessment Form | Download >
  • Revised Total Coliform Rule Level 2 Assessment Form | Download >
  • Revised Total Coliform Rule Microbiological Sample Siting Plan (1,000 or fewer) | Download >
  • Revised Total Coliform Rule Microbiological Sample Siting Plan (1,001 or more) | Download >
  • Revised Total Coliform Rule Seasonal Start-Up Procedures Certification | Download >
  • Routine Quarterly Monitoring Form | Download >
  • Stage 2 DBP Monitoring Plan & Summary Sheet Templates | Download >
  • Stage 2 DBP Operational Evaluation Level Template - Full Report | Download >
  • Stage 2 DBP Operational Evaluation Level Template - Limited Scope Report | Download >
  • Surface Water Treatment Rule - Comprehensive Performance Evaluation (CPE) Checklist | Download >
  • Surface Water Treatment Rule - Filter Profile Report for Individual Filters | Download >
  • Surface Water Treatment Rule - Self-Assessment Checklist | Download >
  • Synthetic Organic Chemical (SOC) Use Waiver Application | Download >
  • TOCA, Chlorine Dioxide and Bromate DBP Stage 1 Monitoring Plan | Download >
  • Total Organic Carbon/Alkalinity (TOCA) Calculations Spreadsheet (Excel) | Download >
  • Volatile Organic Chemical (VOC) Use Waiver Application | Download >

Waste Forms

Municipal Solid Waste Landfill

Non-Municipal Solid Waste Landfill

Regulatory Submittals


Additional Forms

Reimbursement Request Forms