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WQARF | West Van Buren - History

West Van Buren | WQARF Site

Site History

Revised On: Jan. 9th, 2025 - 11:57 am

2023: Groundwater monitoring was conducted at the site. In August, ADEQ rescinded the request made to the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to either fold the West Van Buren(WVB) WQARF site into the Motorola-52nd Street Superfund site, or take over jurisdiction of WVB as a separate EPA Superfund site. The EPA halted completion of the Preliminary Assessment (PA) and Soil Gas Study at that time.

2022: The Draft Remedial Investigation (RI) Report for ChemResearch (a facility within the WVB WQARF site) was issued for public comment in January 2022 and the Proposed Remedial Objectives (RO) Report was issued for public comment in March. 

2020: In June, the EPA informed ADEQ that instead of extending the western boundary of the M52 site into the WVB site, the EPA would conduct a PA to determine whether the WVB site qualifies as a separate Superfund site.

2019: ADEQ continued to work with EPA to analyze existing groundwater data to support the request to make WVB an EPA Superfund site. At the request of the City of Phoenix, ADEQ completed site-wide groundwater sampling in late 2019.

2018: ADEQ requested that the EPA consider taking over jurisdiction of the WVB WQARF site. ADEQ submitted supporting documentation containing tetracholorethene (PCE)/trichloroethene (TCE) ratios throughout the WVB plume to support the request and suggested the EPA make the WVB site a separate Superfund site or a new Operable Unit (OU4) to the Motorola 52nd Street Superfund site.

2017: ADEQ requested that the West Van Buren Working Group (WVBWG) and Roosevelt Irrigation District (RID) collaborate, reach consensus, and propose a singular regional groundwater remedy.

ADEQ sampled approximately 11 of 17 existing groundwater wells at the toe of the WVB groundwater plume. ADEQ found that some of the wells in this area went dry or did not contain water during this sampling event.

2016: ADEQ requested that WVBWG and RID withdraw their Proposed Remedial Action Plans (PRAPs).

2015: WVBWG and RID submitted separate PRAPs for ADEQ consideration. In April, the WVB project was put on pause for discretionary work. In June, ADEQ sampled a subset of 75 wells within the WVB site including RID production wells and collected 4 surface water samples from the adjacent canal.

2014: Groundwater monitoring and sampling was conducted in March. Groundwater sampling of RID wells and surface sampling of RID canals was conducted in March. Three new monitor wells were installed by ADEQ to help delineate the extent of the groundwater contamination and to investigate potential source areas. Air Liquide continued to monitor groundwater conditions underneath their facility. Prudential continued to operate their soil vapor extraction (SVE) system and monitor groundwater conditions below their facility. The operations and maintenance manual (O&M) for RID’s modified Early Response Action (ERA) was put out for public comment in June. The WVBWG and RID submitted individual regional Feasibility Study (FS) reports for WVB in July.

2013: Groundwater monitoring and sampling was conducted in March and September. Groundwater sampling of RID wells and surface sampling of RID canals was conducted in April and September. ADEQ conditionally approved RID’s ERA on February 1. Prudential began operation of an SVE system in December to remediate soils beneath the facility. ADEQ signed a working agreement with the WVBWG to review their regional FS work plan. RID submitted a separate regional FS work plan for approval. ADEQ solicited public comments on the FSs. RID and the WVBWG have begun conducting two FSs. Penn Racquet Sports, Inc., (Penn), 306 South 45th Avenue, settled with ADEQ for $30,000 dollars under Consent Decree 13-01631.

2012: Groundwater monitoring and sampling was conducted in March and September. Air Liquide finalized an SVE pilot test work plan in March and conducted testing in June. The RI was completed for West Van Buren in August. RID submitted a modified ERA in October.

2011: Groundwater monitoring and sampling was conducted in March and September. Groundwater sampling of RID wells and surface sampling of RID canals was also conducted in April and September. Prudential began installation of an SVE system to remediate soils beneath the facility. RID began a pilot test at RID well RID-95 to observe and study the effects of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) in groundwater on granular activated carbon (GAC).

2010: Groundwater monitoring and sampling was conducted in June and September. Groundwater sampling of RID wells and surface sampling of RID canals was also conducted in June. Prudential performed a pilot test to determine if SVE would be suitable for soil remediation. ADEQ conditionally approved RID’s ERA on June 24.

2009: Air Liquide and Prudential continued to do work under consent orders. ADEQ solicited comments for the ROs of West Van Buren. ADEQ signed a working agreement with RID to review its regional groundwater ERA proposal.

2008: Three monitor wells were installed by ADEQ to help delineate the extent of the groundwater contamination and to further investigate potential source areas. Air Liquide completed the installation of four groundwater monitor wells and conducted quarterly groundwater sampling. Prudential Overall Supply (Prudential) signed a Consent Order to continue investigating soil and groundwater at their facility. Prudential also conducted a passive soil gas survey at their facility in May and June and installed three groundwater monitor wells in July. Water levels were measured monthly and groundwater samples were collected in August and September.

2007: A new Land and Water Use Questionnaire was sent to stakeholders to update the Land and Water Use Study completed in October 2001. In June, ADEQ completed installation of six groundwater monitor wells. Air Liquide USA, LLC and Air Liquide America Specialty Gases, LLC (Air Liquide) signed a Consent Order to continue conducting investigation work on their property.

2006: In September, ADEQ installed seven monitor wells and sampled 125 groundwater monitor wells as part of the semi-annual sampling process. Dolphin, Incorporated (Dolphin) satisfied the Consent Order and Consent Judgment, which were closed on June 6.

2004: In April, Dolphin completed rebound testing and received ADEQ authorization for SVE system shut down.

2003: The American Linen Supply Company (ALSCo) ERA groundwater pump and treat system ceased operation in September after treating approximately 118 million gallons of groundwater.

2002: In June, Reynolds/Alcoa settled with ADEQ for $1.96 million. In August, Univar received an NFA determination for soil from ADEQ and the Univar Consent Order W-109-96 was terminated by ADEQ. By October, the ALSCo SVE system had removed over 900 pounds of VOCs from the soil and the system operation was ceased. In December, Dolphin ceased remedial system operation and conducted rebound testing.

2001: In March, ADEQ/ALSCo began an ERA utilizing SVE, air sparge and groundwater pump and treat systems. Union Pacific Railroad Company and Maricopa County settled with ADEQ for $450,000.

2000: In 2000, Reynolds Metals (now ALCOA), between 35th Avenue and 43rd Avenue and West Van Buren Street and Southern Pacific Railroad right-of-way, excavated and removed contaminated soil from their site and received a No Further Action (NFA) for soils in specific areas from ADEQ. In January, Dolphin entered into RCRA Consent Order Z-2-00. Consent Judgment CV 2000-001824 was filed.

1998: In April, WVB was placed on the WQARF Registry with an Eligibility and Evaluation score of 50 out of a possible 120. In October, Dolphin, 740 S. 59th Avenue, began operation of SVE and air sparge systems at their facility.

1997: Maricopa County began SVE system operation. After six months of operation, soil containment levels were reduced below the regulatory standards. In May, ALSCo, 720 W. Buchanan Street, settled with ADEQ for $2 million dollars.

1996: On September 20, Univar entered into Consent Order W-109-96 with ADEQ.

1994: ChemResearch Company, Inc. (ChemResearch) entered into a Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) Consent Order with ADEQ.

1992: In November, Univar (formerly Vopak, formerly Van Waters and Rogers Inc.) began operations of an SVE system.

1987: The November 13 Decision Record created the Van Buren Tank Farm WQARF area. The amended decision record dated December 11 changed the name to West Van Buren.