WPD | AZSERC Emergency Release

Facility Emergency Release Reporting/Notifications
Revised On: Nov. 17, 2023 - 1:00 p.m.
What are a facility's reporting requirements when a hazardous chemical is released into the environment?
Requirements for facility emergency release notifications are outlined at the federal and state levels:
Federal - SARA Title III, also known as Emergency Planning and Community Right-to-Know Act (EPCRA) Section 304
If there is a release of an extremely hazardous substance at or above its applicable reportable quantity, the facility must notify the State or Tribal Emergency Response Commission (SERC or TERC) and Local or Tribal Emergency Planning Committee (LEPC or TEPC) for any area(s) likely to be affected by the release. View Extremely Hazardous Substances | View/Download Appendix A > | View/Download Appendix B >
If there is a release of a hazardous substance listed under the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation and Liability Act (CERCLA), the facility must notify the National Response Center (NRC),1 as well as the SERC/TERC and LEPC/TEPC. View CERCLA Hazardous Substances | View/Download >
The facility must provide a detailed follow-up written report as soon as practicable after the release. SERCs/TERCs and LEPCs/TEPCs are required to make these reports available to the public.
For more information about federal emergency notification requirements, refer to the EPCRA Fact Sheet | View/Download >
State - Arizona Revised Statutes (A.R.S.) § 49-128
If there is a reportable release of an extremely hazardous substance from a facility at which a hazardous chemical is produced, used or stored, the owner or operator of the facility2 shall immediately orally notify:
- appropriate emergency responders (911),
- ADEQ3 via the spill line at 602-771-2330, and
- the LEPC for the area(s) likely to be affected by the release | View LEPC Contact List >
Unless impracticable under the circumstances, this oral notification shall occur immediately after the facility emergency coordinator or the coordinator's designee has knowledge of the reportable release.
Within 30 days after the reportable release, the owner or operator of a facility where the release requiring notification occurred shall submit to the LEPC and to ADEQ a written follow-up emergency notice stating and updating the information originally provided. Thirty-day written reports for EPCRA releases can emailed to ADEQ | Email >
For more information about state emergency notification requirements, refer to statute | View A.R.S. §49-128 >
Contact Information
- For local emergency responders | 911
- Notification to ADEQ & SERC | 602-771-2330
- Notification to the NRC | 800-424-8802
- Notification to LEPC | View LEPC Contact List >
1 The NRC is a part of the federally established National Response System and staffed 24 hours a day by the U.S. Coast Guard. It is the designated federal point of contact for reporting all oil, chemical, radiological, biological and etiological discharges into the environment, anywhere in the United States and its territories | Learn More >
2 Except as excluded under 40 Code of Federal Regulations sections 355.31 and 355.32
3 The department identified in A.R.S. §49-128 refers to the Arizona Department of Environmental Quality, which oversees the facilitation of the Arizona State Emergency Response Commission (AZSERC).