Arizona Department of Environmental Quality (ADEQ) officials announced today recognition of Central Arizona Project (CAP) at the highest level in the Voluntary Environmental Stewardship Program (VESP), Platinum. ADEQ’s VESP recognizes that working collaboratively with industry can result in greater environmental protection at reduced cost and with increased efficiency. VESP provides its members with access to best management practices and shared resources they can work with ADEQ to translate into real economic growth for their business or industry, which also benefits Arizona communities. To achieve VESP Platinum, CAP met the following criteria:
- Achieved a measurable environmental improvement,
- Committed to measuring continuous improvement for three years,
- Have an active Environmental Management System in place, and
- Committed community outreach.
“Achieving Platinum membership in ADEQ’s Voluntary Environmental Stewardship Program is a very high bar,” said Len Drago, ADEQ VESP Coordinator. “ADEQ is pleased to recognize Central Arizona Project at VESP’s highest level for its commitment to going above and beyond environmental regulatory requirements and dedication to continuous improvement.”
ADEQ welcomes CAP into the VESP and recognizes its accomplishments and commitments:
- Reducing its Carbon Footprint – Arizona’s largest consumer of electricity due to the amount of power it takes to lift water more than 2,900 vertical feet over its 336-mile system, CAP has developed a diversified power portfolio that includes a 20-year energy power purchase agreement from a 30 MW solar facility for 6 percent of its power needs and a second solar phase planned to come online in 2023, which will add an additional 3 percent.
- Preventing Pollution, Reducing Waste and Minimizing Resource Consumption – CAP’s employee-led Eco Team has implemented an award-winning recycling, commodity recovery and landfill diversion program. To cut back on emissions, CAP follows a four-day workweek, uses LED light bulbs at all plants, promotes carpooling and recently added its first electric vehicle to its fleet. CAP also diverts more than 1,800 tons from the landfill annually.
“This recognition is a reflection of CAP’s strong vision and commitment to environmental excellence,” said Ted Cooke, CAP general manager. “ADEQ has laid out an ambitious program for participants to challenge themselves and we are honored to be recognized at the platinum level. At CAP we have dedicated employees who hold themselves and the organization to the highest standards. This is a testament to their efforts over time and to their commitment to continuous improvement.”
PHOTO: ADEQ presents CAP with VESP Platinum Membership Certificate at CAP headquarters in Phoenix on Monday, November 9, 2020 (pictured from left: Aaron Welch, CAP Environmental Supervisor; Darin Perkins, CAP Environmental Health and Safety Manager; Len Drago, ADEQ VESP Program Coordinator; Joy Bell, CAP Environmental Programs Specialist) | View/Download >