WQD | Permits & Registrations | Type 4 GP
- Gravity
- Force main
- Manholes
- Lift stations
- Depressed sewers
A.A.C. R18-9-E301 | View >
- Standard concrete/polyurethane tank
- Treatment by trench, bed, or chambers
- Disposal by seepage pit
A.A.C. R18-9-E302 | View >
- Manufactured turnkey or built from a kit treatment technology
- Human waste from a waterless toilet directly into an aerobic composting chamber
- Treatment by dehydration and biological activity
A.A.C. R18-9-E303 | View >
- Tank, pump, controls and piping conducting wastewater under pressure
A.A.C. R18-9-E304 | View >
- Proprietary pipe and geocomposite or other substitute media into native soil
A.A.C. R18-9-E305 | View >
- Bed of sand or other media with an internal wastewater distribution system contained on the bottom and sidewalls by an engineered liner consisting of natural soil and clay materials
- Contains weather/climate restrictions
A.A.C. R18-9-E306 | View >
- Bed of sand or other media with an internal wastewater distribution system contained on the bottom and sidewalls by an impervious synthetic liner
- Contains weather/climate restrictions
A.A.C. R18-9-E307 | View >
- Above-grade bed system
- Dispersed pressure dosed wastewater from a septic tank or other upstream treatment device
- Dispersal of wastewater under unsaturated flow conditions through the engineered media system contained in the mound and
- Wastewater treated by passage through the mound before percolation into the native soil below the mound
A.A.C. R18-9-E308 | View >
- Pretreated wastewater by gravity or pressure distribution to the engineered pad and sand bed assembly followed by the dispersal of wastewater into the native soil
A.A.C. R18-9-E309 | View >
- Includes pressurized delivery of pretreated wastewater to an engineered sand bed in a containment vessel equipped with an underdrain system or designed as a bottomless filter
- Delivered wastewater dispersed throughout the sand media by periodic doses from the delivery pump to maintain unsaturated flow conditions in the bed; and
- Wastewater that is treated during passage through the media, collected by a bed underdrain chamber, and removed by pump or gravity to the disposal works, or wastewater that percolates downward directly into the native soil as part of a bottomless filter design
A.A.C. R18-9-E310 | View >
- Dosed delivery of pretreated wastewater to the peat bed, which can be a manufactured module or a disposal bed excavated in native soil and filled with compacted peat
- Wastewater passing through the peat that is further treated by removal of positively charged molecules, filtering, and biological activity before entry into native soil; and
- If the peat filter system is constructed as a disposal bed filled with compacted peat, wastewater that is absorbed into native soil at the bottom and sides of the bed
A.A.C. R18-9-E311 | View >
- Flow of wastewater into a packed bed filter in a containment structure or structures. The packed bed filter uses a textile filter medium with high porosity and surface area; and
- The textile filter medium provides further treatment by removing suspended material from wastewater by physical straining, and reducing nutrients by microbial action
A.A.C. R18-9-E312 | View >
- Gravity flow treatment & disposal system for a dwelling that requires separate plumbing drains for conducting dishwasher, kitchen sink, and toilet flush water to wastewater treatment tank “A” and all other wastewater to wastewater treatment tank “B”.
- Treated wastewater from tanks A and B is delivered to an engineered composite disposal bed system that includes an upper distribution pipe to deliver treated wastewater from tank A to a columnar celled, sand-filled bed
- The wastewater drains downward into a sand bed then into a pea gravel bed with an internal distribution pipe system that delivers the treated wastewater from tank B
- The entire composite bed is constructed within an excavation about 6 feet deep
- The system operates under gravity flow from tanks A and B
- An engineered sampling assembly is installed at the midpoint of the disposal line run and at the base of the composite bed during construction to monitor system performance
A.A.C. R18-9-E313 | View >
- Severe site or operational constraint prevents installation of a conventional septic tank and disposal works or any other onsite wastewater treatment facility
- Temporary measure of connection to a sewer or installation of another onsite wastewater treatment facility occurs within two years of the connection or installation
A.A.C. R18-9-E314 | View >
- Treatment unit consisting of components that:
- Mechanically introduce oxygen to wastewater
- Typically provide clarification of the wastewater after aeration, and
- Convey the treated wastewater by pressure or gravity distribution to the disposal works
A.A.C. R18-9-E315 | View >
- Application of pretreated, nitrified wastewater to a packed bed filter in a containment structure. A packed bed filter consists of nitrate-reactive media that receives pretreated wastewater under appropriate design and operational conditions, and
- Nitrate-reactive filter further treated the nitrified wastewater by removing total nitrogen by chemical and physical processes
A.A.C. R18-9-E316 | View >
- A soil cap, consisting of engineered fill placed over a trench that is not as deep as a trench allowed by E302 (4.02 permit); and,
- A design that compensates for reduced trench depth by maintaining and enhancing the infiltration of wastewater into native soils through the trench sidewalls
A.A.C. R18-9-E317 | View >
- Lined excavation, filled with a medium for growing plants and planted with marsh vegetation. The treated wastewater flows horizontally through the medium in contact with the aquatic plants
- Additional treatment is provided by filtering, settling, volatilization, and evapotranspiration as wastewater flows
- Allows for microorganisms to break down organic material and plants to take up nutrients and other pollutants
- Wastewater treated by a wetland system is discharged to a subsurface soil disposal system
A.A.C. R18-9-E318 | View >
- Engineered placement of sand or equivalently graded glass in trenches excavated in native soil
- Wastewater dispersed throughout the media by pressure distribution technology (E304, 4.04 permit) using a timer-controlled pump in periodic uniform doses that maintain unsaturated flow conditions, and
- Wastewater treated during travel through the media and absorbed into the native soil at the bottom of the trench
A.A.C. R18-9-E319 | View >
- Reduces number of microorganisms by exposing the wastewater to heat, ultraviolet radiation, or a chemical disinfectant
A.A.C. R18-9-E320 | View >
- Surface application of treated wastewater that is nominally free of coliform bacteria produced by the treatment works of an on-site wastewater treatment facility
A.A.C. R18-9-E321 | View >
- Disposal works is designed to disperse the treated wastewater into the soil under unsaturated conditions by pressure distribution and timed dosing. Pressure distribution must meet requirements in E304 (4.04 permit in parallel)
- Reduces the downward percolation of wastewater by enhancing evapotranspiration to the atmosphere
- Pipe, pressurization and dosing components, controls and appurtenances to reliably deliver treated wastewater to driplines using supply and return manifold lines
A.A.C. R18-9-E322 | View >
- Construction and use of an onsite wastewater treatment facility with a design flow from 3000 gallons per day to less than 24,000 gallons per day or more than one onsite wastewater treatment facility on a property or on adjacent properties under common ownership with a combined design flow from 3,000 to less than 24,000 gallons per day
- 4.23+ 24,000 to less than 75,000 gallons per day design flow
A.A.C. R18-9-E323 | View >