ADEQ has completed Remedial Investigation (RI) reports and Feasibility Study (FS) work plans for two Water Quality Assurance Revolving Fund (WQARF) sites in East Central Phoenix (ECP): ECP 24th Street and Grand Canal and ECP 32nd Street and Indian School. The RI report for each site includes the final remedial objectives report and responsiveness summaries regarding comments, issues and concerns raised during the community involvement process. The FS work plan for each site identifies a reference remedy and alternative remedies that appear to be capable of achieving established remedial objectives and to evaluate them based on the comparison criteria to select a remedy.
The ECP 24th Street and Grand Canal WQARF site consists of a plume approximately bounded by East Pinchot Avenue to the north, Oak Street to the south, 26th Street to the east and 16th Street to the west. The ECP 32nd Street and Indian School Road WQARF site consists of a plume approximately bounded by Indian School Road to the north, Interstate 10 to the south, 32nd Street to the east, and 1st Street to the west. The contaminants of concern at the sites are tetrachloroethene (PCE), trichloroethene (TCE), cis- and trans-1,2-dichlorothene (DCE), and vinyl chloride.
Review Documents & Site Information
Original Published Public Notice | View/Print >
ECP 24th Street and Grand Canal RI Report and FS Work Plan | View Site Repository >
ECP 32nd Street and Indian School RI Report and FS Work Plan | View Site Repository >
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