Pursuant to Arizona Revised Statute (ARS) §49-287.01(D)(E), ADEQ is providing the annual report of the location, remedial status and score of the sites on the Water Quality Assurance Revolving Fund (WQARF) Registry (Registry) as of Oct. 1, 2022. The Registry includes those sites within the state that may pose a risk to public health, welfare or the environment from the release of hazardous substances and for which there is current or planned investigation and cleanup. There are 38 sites on the Registry:
- 21 in Maricopa County,
- 8 in Pima County,
- 2 in Gila County,
- 1 in Graham County,
- 1 in Navajo County,
- 2 in Yavapai County,
- 2 in Mohave County and
- 1 in Yuma County
Sites on the Registry are given an Eligibility and Evaluation (E&E) score based in part upon the nature and extent of contamination present and the number of people that may be exposed to the contamination. E&E scores are used to help determine the relative risk at the site. An elevated score does not necessarily mean that there is a direct risk to human health and/or the environment. Whether the site is currently being remediated or investigated, ADEQ takes steps to identify the contamination and prevent exposure.
The Registry was published on the Arizona Secretary of State website on Dec. 9, 2022 | View Arizona Administrative Register >
Additional information regarding these sites is available on the WQARF webpage | Learn More >
Documents may also be reviewed in person at the ADEQ Record Center | Learn More >
Original Published Public Notice | View/Download >
WQARF Annual Registry Report | View/Download >