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Superfund Site | Iron King Mine - Humboldt Smelter - Hydrogeology

Superfund | Iron King Mine - Humboldt Smelter Site

Site Hydrogeology

Revised On: Dec. 26th, 2024 - 02:11 pm

Groundwater is encountered within the alluvium at depths between 30 and 50 feet below ground surface under unconfined conditions and generally the flow follows the local topography. Shallow groundwater is thought to flow east from the mine and smelter toward the Agua Fria River and along the Chaparral Gulch. Deep groundwater under confined conditions moves within the fracture system of the metamorphic bedrock. Bedrock wells have been drilled to depths ranging from 200 to 1,000 feet below ground surface. The site is located within the Prescott Active Management Area (AMA). The AMA contains two sub-basins with regional groundwater flow directions to the north and/or southeast.

Lead Agency
EPA Project Manager
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Supporting Agency
ADEQ Project Manager
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