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WQARF | WCP West Osborn Complex - Hydrogeology

WCP West Osborn Complex | WQARF Site

Site Hydrogeology

Revised On: Nov. 26th, 2024 - 11:21 am

Depth to groundwater has declined considerably in the past several years. This is attributed principally to the lining of the Grand Canal, but also due to the ongoing drought. In 1992, the depth to groundwater was approximately 71 feet below ground surface (bgs) adjacent to the canal and approximately 100 feet bgs approximately 650 feet south of the canal. By 2002, the mound had dissipated and the depth to groundwater was approximately 128 feet bgs. Prior to lining the canal, the groundwater flow direction varied from the south to the southeast beneath the site. After lining the canal, groundwater flowed to the south beneath the site. Recent depth to water in the area was between 137 feet and 155 feet bgs in the shallow aquifer and between approximately 152 feet and 169 feet bgs in the deep aquifer.