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WQARF | Central and Camelback - Overview


Central and Camelback | Overview

Revised On: Jan. 3, 2024 - 11:00 a.m.

Registry placement date: June 21, 2000

Score: 32*

County: Maricopa


Phoenix, approximately bounded by Camelback Road to the north, Mariposa Street to the south, First Street to the east and First Avenue to the west.

If you own a private well, live in or near the site boundaries, and have not had your well tested, please contact ADEQ.

Contaminants of Concern

Tetrachloroethene (PCE) and trichloroethene (TCE)

Action Taken

In January 2003, as part of an early response action (ERA), ADEQ completed construction of a groundwater treatment system to remediate and control the migration of contaminated groundwater. The groundwater pump and treat system operated from 2003 to 2018. The system is currently offline.

In June 2004, ADEQ initiated an ERA evaluation of the Maroney’s Drycleaner facility. Based on the results, a soil vapor extraction (SVE) system was installed to address the PCE-contaminated soil beneath the site. The SVE system operated continuously from 2006 to 2017. The SVE system resumed operation in January 2020 and currently operates on an intermittent schedule.

The remedial investigation (RI) was initiated in 2007. A final RI report was completed in December 2014. The feasibility study (FS) was completed in 2015. A proposed remedial action plan (PRAP) was completed in June of 2017.


A record of decision (ROD) is currently being drafted for the site.

Community Advisory Board (CAB)

Established, merged with the Seventh Avenue and Bethany Home Road CAB and meets on a regular basis. A list of CAB members and their contact information is available in the Community Involvement Plan (CIP) | View/Download CIP >


*The southwest corner source area portion was originally placed on the Registry Jan. 20, 1999, with a score of 31.