Revised On: Feb. 24th, 2025 - 01:18 pm
- 1255 S. Campbell Avenue, Tucson, Arizona
Acceptance Into Voluntary Remediation Program (VRP):
Contaminants of Concern (COCs):
- Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs)
- Polynuclear Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs)
Affected Media:
What are My Health Risks:
For Soil | There is little to no health risk unless there is contact with skin or ingestion of contaminated soil
For Groundwater | If you are connected to a Public Water System (PWS) there is little to no risk of impact from exceedances because the water is filtered through the PWS for residential and business use | View Drinking Water Notices >
If you have a private well in the vicinity of the exceedance, we encourage you to test the well water
Not sure what to test for? | Learn More >
Site Summary:
The Union Pacific Railroad 22nd Street Yard site has been managed under the oversight of the ADEQ VRP since 1998. Offsite groundwater impacts are present, and stakeholders with receptors have been actively involved in the remedy selection to address any potential impacts or concerns.
- Groundwater characterization completed.
- Remediation at the site includes bioventing and skimming pumps in wells connected to the existing onsite remediation system, and sorbent tubes and bailing in wells not connected to the onsite remediation system. In addition, semi-annual (February and August) groundwater monitoring and sampling program.
- Progress reports are submitted after semi-annual events. The remedy effectiveness is evaluated every three years.
- Revised Feasibility Study approved October 2019.
- Revised Proposed Remedial Action Plan approved July 2021.
- Second Semiannual 2024 Progress Report reviewed February 2025.