WQD | DW | Surface Water Treatment Rule

Surface Water Treatment Rule
The Surface Water Treatment Rules require water systems to filter and disinfect surface water sources. Some water systems are allowed to use disinfection only for surface water sources that meet criteria for water quality and watershed protection.
What to Do If There's an Exceedance
Maximum Turbidity Limit
- Contact ADEQ as soon as possible, no later than 24 hours after the system learns of the exceedance.
- Post ADEQ-approved boil water advisory, Tier 1 public notice as directed by ADEQ, within 24 hours.
- If you believe there is an outbreak of a waterborne illness contact ADEQ and your county’s Health Department immediately.
95 Percent Turbidity Monthly Limit
- Contact ADEQ as soon as possible, no later than 48 hours after the system learns of the exceedance.
- Distribute a Tier 2 public notice as soon as possible, within 30 days.
- If you believe there is an outbreak of a waterborne illness contact ADEQ and your county’s Health Department immediately.
Chlorine Residuals at EPDS Fall Below 0.2 Milligrams per Liter (mg/L)
- The system must maintain a residual level of 0.2 mg/L or higher within 4 hours.
- If the system collects daily samples, increase sample collection to every 4 hours until the residual level reached 0.2 mg/L or higher.
- If the residual level is not maintained within 4 hours, distribute a Tier 2 public notice as soon as possible, within 30 days.
- If you believe there is an outbreak of a waterborne illness, contact ADEQ and your county’s health department immediately.
Chlorine Residuals in Distribution are Undetected for Two Consecutive Months
- Distribute a Tier 2 public notice as soon as possible, within 30 days.
- If you believe there is an outbreak of a waterborne illness, contact ADEQ and your county’s Health Department immediately.
Compliance Assistance Coordinators
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DW Compliance Data Submittals
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Comprehensive Performance Evaluation Checklist >
DWAR 20M - Schedule 4 LT2(Monthly) >
DWAR 15AB - Surface Water Treatment >
DWAR15C - Surface Water Purchase Systems >
DWAR 20BW - Schedule 4 LT2(Two Weeks) >
DWAR 20 - Full LT2 (Monthly) >
DWAR 20UVBC - Disinfection & Bag/Cartridge Filter Verification >
DWAR 20UV - Disinfection Log Removal (Monthly) >
DWAR 17 - TOCA Analysis Reporting >
DDBP Monitoring Plan - TOCA >
DWAR 20C - Schedule 4 Cryptosporidium >
Filter Profile Report (Individual Filters) >
LT2 Bin Classification Report >
LT2 Notice of Intent to Sample >
LT2 Notice of Intent to Treat >
LT2 Sampling Locations Sheet >
LT2 Schedule 3 Scheduling Calendar >
LT2 Schedule 4 Calendar >
LT2 Source Sampling Plan Checklist >
LT2 Schematics 1 - 10 >
Schedule 4 Cryptosporidium Annual Calendar >
Schedule 4 Cryptosporidium 2-Year Calendar >
Self-Assessment Checklist >
TOCA Calculations Spreadsheet (Excel) >
EPA - Interim Enhanced Quick Reference Guide >
EPA - Long Term 1 >
EPA - Long Term 2 (Schedule 1) >
EPA - Long Term 2 (Schedule 2) >
EPA - Long Term 2 (Schedule 3) >
EPA - Long Term 2 (Schedule 4) >
EPA - Conventional or Direct Filtration >
EPA - Slow Sand Quick Reference Guide >
EPA - Unfiltered Quick Reference Guide >