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Press Release
Waste Division
September 19 - 25, 2021

PHOENIX (September 16, 2021) – To recognize pollution prevention measures that both enhance efficiency in manufacturing and help conserve Arizona’s natural resources for future generations, Governor Doug Ducey has declared September 19 - 25, 2021, as Arizona Pollution Prevention (P2) Week. P2 Program participants include facilities classified as hazardous waste generators from academic institutions, semiconductor and plating industries and many other business sectors. 

Governor Ducey’s Arizona P2 Week Proclamation | View >

“30 years marks a major milestone for the Arizona Department of Environmental Quality Pollution Prevention Program,” said Laura Malone, ADEQ Waste Programs Division Director. “Integrating pollution prevention practices into business operations leads to thoughtful use of materials and conserves resources that otherwise would be spent managing excess waste. Since the P2 Program began, ADEQ has successfully worked with more than 400 facilities to reduce their waste generation and/or toxic substance use to less than the program thresholds, which benefits their bottom line and Arizona’s environment.”

During P2 Week, ADEQ recognizes our customers’ ongoing commitment to pollution prevention in Arizona, which has resulted in the following tangible achievements:

  • Led to a net cost-savings of over $406 million for P2 Program participants
  • Conserved more than 4 billion gallons of water – enough water to supply more than 75,000 Arizonans for an entire year
  • Diverted more than 700,000 tons of solid waste from landfills
  • Saved over 1.5 billion kilowatt hours of electrical energy – enough energy to power nearly 128,000 Arizona households for a year
  • Prevented:
    • Use of nearly 25,000 tons of toxic substances
    • Generation of more than 50,000 tons of hazardous waste
    • Creation of more than 950 million gallons of wastewater

ADEQ will celebrate P2 Week by sharing participants’ recent innovations and pollution prevention achievements that are benefiting Arizona communities and the environment and 335 participating facilities. 

In 2019, the P2 Program migrated to a virtual platform allowing for easier and faster submittals while reducing paper waste and the necessity to send reports through the mail. Since 2016, close to 350,000 employees have been trained in P2 best practices for Arizona facilities. 

ADEQ continues to share new resources and provide guidance for facilities through the P2 website to assist in finding more opportunities for reductions. ADEQ’s P2 engineers are available for site visits to collaborate on reduction opportunities. To contact the P2 Program, call 602-771-8083 or email [email protected].

ADEQ Pollution Prevention Program | Learn More >

Tell us how you are preventing pollution with #P2Week2021 on social media. We’ll also be posting how Arizona businesses are continuing to improve their operations and processes and reducing waste at the source.

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Additional Resources

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Pollution Prevention Week | View >


ADEQ Public Information Officer | 602-540-8072 (cell) | E-mail >