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ADEQ Unveils Proposed Roadmap for Transforming Recycled Water into Safe, Reliable Purified Water; Encourages Public Participation

PHOENIX (Nov. 2, 2023) — The Arizona Department of Environmental Quality (ADEQ) today unveiled a comprehensive proposed roadmap outlining the establishment of the Advanced Water Purification (AWP) program, a pioneering collection of water treatment methodologies designed to convert treated wastewater into safe, reliable purified water. The Advanced Water Purification Proposed Program Roadmap is a resource designed to help stakeholders, including utilities, the State of Arizona government employees, consultants, planners, business owners, and the public, understand ADEQ’s approach to AWP implementation in Arizona.

“ADEQ’s vision for advanced water purification reflects our mission to protect and enhance public health and the environment in Arizona,” said ADEQ Cabinet Executive Officer Karen Peters. “Water recovered and used via advanced water purification is a valuable resource that ADEQ will manage with protective regulations and forward-thinking goals informed by stakeholder and public input.”

AWP has the potential to provide a reliable source of purified water that can alleviate water scarcity issues faced by Arizona. This program will also provide Arizona with a sustainable source of healthy drinking water to support the state's growing population and economy. ADEQ believes that implementing AWP is an important step in ensuring the health and safety of the people of Arizona while protecting the environment. 

“As we continue to face a historic drought coupled with record growth in our region, we must continue to innovate new strategies to sustain and maximize our water supply,” said Phoenix Mayor Kate Gallego. “Earlier this year, I was excited to announce Phoenix’s first steps in creating a regional Advanced Water Purification facility that, in accordance with these new guidelines from the state, will deliver up to 60 million gallons of water per day for valley cities. Along with robust conservation programming and smart development policies, Advanced Water Purification is a safe, sustainable way to bolster our water resources for generations.”

“The 10 Arizona Municipal Water Users Association (AMWUA) cities are always pursuing ways to stretch their water resources here in the desert. Fully utilizing our recycled water provides us with a safe, locally controlled, drought-proof water supply,” stated Warren Tenney, AMWUA Executive Director. 

ADEQ is committed to a collaborative process for the implementation of AWP in Arizona. ADEQ is seeking input and feedback from stakeholders and interested parties on the proposed Roadmap from Nov. 2 – Dec. 2, 2023. 


Please email comments and feedback, which will be considered as ADEQ drafts the AWP proposed rule to be released at the end of the year | Email Comments/Feedback > 

To develop the proposed Roadmap that is specific to Arizona’s needs, ADEQ engaged and surveyed stakeholders to gather information about public sentiment toward AWP and other technical and vital considerations. ADEQ convened a Technical Advisory Group (TAG), a collaboration encompassing ADEQ subject matter experts, academics, utility experts, regulators, consultants, and scientists, who played a pivotal role by providing crucial technical recommendations about pathogen removal, chemical control, enhanced source control, operations, treatment and outreach. This committed team engaged and worked diligently for more than eight months. 

AWP uses safe and proven technologies and has been successfully implemented in Colorado, Texas, California and other communities worldwide. Many of the technologies used in AWP are the same commonly used in processing strictly regulated products for eating and drinking, like baby food or bottled water.

ADEQ looks forward to continuing to work with communities to diversify and expand Arizona’s water portfolio. 

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