Definitions for Active Ingredient Registrations
All active ingredients registered fall into either the agriculture or non-agriculture classifications. Only products classified as "Agriculture" require registration by ADEQ.
Data Required
- Animal Dips
- Animal Pour-On (runoff or drench)
- Commercial Greenhouses
- Cropland
- Forests
- Gopher Baits (Burrows & Tunnels)
- Irrigation Ditches
- Rangeland
- Seed Protectants Ground Applied
- Soil Fumigants
- Tree Farm (Inc. Christmas)
- Turf — Sod Farms
- Water — Aquatic
Must Obtain Data Waiver
- Azadriachtin — Neem extract
- Biologicals (BT & Phemones)
- Chitosan = Chitin
- Copper (Sole a.i.)
- Cytokinin
- Diatomaceous Earth
- Garlic
- Gliocladium Virens GL-21
- Glossyplure
- Greenhouses Fumigants
- Harpin Protein
- Kaolin
- Fermentations Solids & Solubles of Myrothecium Verrucaria
- Nicotine
- Paraffinic Oil (at this time)
- Plant Growth Regulators ** (Label — Specific — Case Specific)
- Spinosad = Spinosym A+D
- Sulfur (Sole A.I.)
- Terramycin = Calcium Oxytetracycline
- Xylene
- Any Microbiologicals, including variants
No Data Required
- Animal Ear Tags
- Animal Pour-ons (no — runoff)
- Barns (with a floor)
- Campgrounds
- Chicken Coops (with a floor)
- Drainage Ditches
- E.U.P. Registrations
- Fence Rows (not grazed)
- Golf Courses
- Gopher Baits (small amount)
- Greenhouses (non comm.)(floored)
- Lawn & Gardens
- Recreational Areas
- Right-of Way (not grazed)
- Roadsides (not grazed)
- Sec. 18 Registrations
- Seed Protectant (seed applied)
- Seed (GMO)
- Soil Fumigants (Lawn & Golf)
- Stump & Tree Injections
- Vector Nuisance Control
- Parks
ADEQ recommends sending any questionable labels to us for review to make the final decision.
**Synthetic ingredients do require fate data. Natural ingredients may be able to obtain a waiver from ADEQ.