An Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) ID number provides the EPA with a general description of activities at sites that handle regulated wastes. The ID number is required for hazardous waste generators, transporters, recyclers, and treatment, storage and disposal facilities (TSDFs). It is site-specific and valid only for the physical location. Owners, operators, facilities and addresses may change, but the site's EPA ID will never expire.
If the site has no assigned EPA ID number, the facility must submit an initial notification through ADEQ's online portal, myDEQ. Any changes to the site, as outlined by federal law, require a subsequent notification through myDEQ. If the facility moves, the operator needs to submit subsequent notification closing the central accumulation area and deactivating the current EPA ID number. Then it must obtain another EPA ID number that will be valid only for the new physical location.
Apply Online
myDEQ offers a hassle-free online portal that instantly issues EPA ID numbers. Register today for a FREE myDEQ account to obtain, manage and deactivate your EPA ID Number.