Clean Water Plans (formerly WIPs)
Clean Water Plans (formerly Watershed Implementation Plans or WIPs) are documents designed to protect and restore a watershed by identifying priority projects and strategies to mitigate specific impairments. The plans provide a careful analysis of water quality problem sources, contributions to the problems and alternatives to solve those problems, as well as proactive measures to protect water bodies.
In watersheds where a Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL) has been developed and approved or is in the process of being developed, watershed-based plans must be designed to achieve necessary load reductions. If a TMDL has not been developed, required load reductions must be estimated and included in the plan.
Clean Water Plans are developed by local watershed partnerships in conjunction with technical support from ADEQ and the University of Arizona. The following are available for review:
- San Francisco River/Blue River | View Now >
- Granite Creek | View Now >
- Oak Creek | View Now >
- Upper San Pedro River | View Now >