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P2 | Toolkit

Pollution Prevention (P2) Program

P2 Planning Toolkit

Revised On: Jul. 30th, 2024 - 03:17 pm

Revised On: Nov. 25, 2023 - 8:20 a.m.

Various resources are available to help businesses develop a successful pollution prevention strategy. The following toolkit is organized into different categories which contain just some of the many possible opportunities available to you. If you don’t find what you’re looking for here, reach out to other facilities in your industry, confer with an environmental consultant, or look into your specific industry’s best management practices and recent trends.

Our P2 team is also available to help. If you need assistance developing your P2 Plan or associated goals, please reach out to us and we will work with you to create a successful plan | Email >

P2 Planning Resources for...

These resources and tips are for any facility looking to reduce emissions or air pollution. 

Quick Tips
  • Implement an inspection or monitoring program for potential leak sources.
  • Use dust control methods to reduce fugitive dust.
  • Install vapor recovery systems where applicable.
ADEQ Resources

Be Air Aware! | Visit Page >
Multiple links to monitor and be aware of the air quality throughout Arizona.

EPA Resources

Managing Air Quality | Visit Page > 
Control strategies to achieve air pollution reduction.

Clean Air Technology Center | Visit Page > 
"The Clean Air Technology Center (CATC) serves as a resource on all areas of emerging and existing air pollution prevention and control technologies, and provides public access to data and information on their use, effectiveness and cost" (CATC).

These resources and tips are for any facility looking to reduce reduce their energy consumption.. 

Quick Tips
  • Perform an energy audit at your facility to determine inefficiencies.
  • Optimize heating/cooling systems in your building.
  • Evaluate your processes/operations for opportunities for energy recovery (e.g., producing excess heat).

Energy Star for Small Businesses | Visit Page >
EPA provides information about how to become an ENERGY STAR partner and training resources for small businesses.

Energy Treasure Hunts | Visit Page >
US Department of Energy's Better Building program provides information about "treasure hunts," a group staff walkthrough during production to identify reduction opportunities in a team setting.

These resources and tips are for any facility looking to get started implementing P2 practices. 

Quick Tips
  • Conduct a pollution prevention opportunity assessment to identify key areas to improve.
  • Survey your employees for P2 opportunities they may encounter during daily activities.
  • Keep up to date SOPs for your processes and train employees on proper waste management.
ADEQ Resources

Launching an Environmental Management System (EMS) | View/Download >
ADEQ's EMS guidance assists small- to medium-sized businesses establish and maintain an EMS.

Facility Assessment Guidance | View/Download >
ADEQ's facility assessment guidance assists businesses in documenting their process waste generation and developing P2 goals based on the results.

EPA Resources

P2 web page | Visit Page > 
Includes links to grant programs, general P2 info, resources for business, and information on key P2 concepts.

P2 Tools and Calculators | Visit Page > 
EPA offers a few free tools on their website to help your facility calculate costs and emissions as related to P2 efforts.

Safer Choice | Visit Page >
Safer Choice helps consumers, businesses, and purchasers find products that perform and contain ingredients that are safer for human health and the environment.

These resources and tips are for generators of hazardous waste.

Quick Tips
  • Review if hazardous waste determinations are accurate for each waste stream.
  • Inventory management practices, such as first-in first-out and need based purchasing, can reduce the amount of hazardous waste expiring/needing to be disposed of.
  • Search for opportunities where third parties can use your waste stream as a feed product.
ADEQ Resources

Hazardous Waste Compliance Assistance | Visit Page >
Templates and guidance to help properly manage hazardous waste.

Common Violations & How to Prevent Them | Visit Page >
A list of common violations among hazardous waste generators that can help you to prevent them and reduce wastes.

EPA Resources

EPA Hazardous Waste Recycling | Visit Page > 
An overview of hazardous waste recycling that includes what it is, how you can benefit and applicable regulations.

The following resources are available to help you submit reports to ADEQ for P2, EPA for Toxics Release Inventory (TRI), and the Arizona State Emergency Response Commission (AZSERC) for Tier II.

ADEQ Resources

myDEQ Help Center | Visit Page >
For assistance with reporting issues or questions in myDEQ.

P2 Process Flow Chart | View Chart > 
This guide is one-stop resource for new submitters. It includes an outline of all the following resources and each applicable step of the reporting process for amendments, new plans, and annual progress reports. Key due dates, myDEQ tips, and templates are also included.

Submitting a New P2 Plan | View Guide >
If your facility is submitting a plan with the P2 Program for the first time, this guide will help your company set up a myDEQ account, assign user roles and submit your first plan.

Amendment Checklist | View Checklist >
This document lists questions that will help you collect all the necessary information before starting the application, helping you input information accurately the first time.

Annual Progress Report Checklist | View Checklist >
Provides a list of questions to ask before and throughout the reporting process, helping you collect the proper information before starting and input accurate information the first time.

Annual Progress Report User Guide | View Guide >
This document is a step-by-step guide to submit your facility's Annual Progress Report in myDEQ.

Amendment User Guide | View Guide >
This document is a step-by-step guide to submit your facility's P2 Plan Amendment in myDEQ.

Other Resources

TRI Guidance | Learn More >
For facilities participating in the TRI program, the EPA provides a thorough guide on reporting, calculating emissions and learning which chemicals qualify.

Tier II Guidance | Learn More >
For facilities participating in the Tier II program, this page provides Tier II reporting guidance.

These resources and tips are primarily aimed at specific industries, or databases where you can find specific process opportunities.

Quick Tips
  • Look up the best management practices for your processes to better optimize the facility.
  • Change production scheduling to minimize feedstock changeovers.
  • Test expired materials and continue to use them if effective.
ADEQ Resources

P2 Resource Summaries | View List of Sector-Specific Summaries >
These summaries help identify P2 opportunities in relation to a variety of industries/topics (e.g., manufacturing, hospitality, food service, etc.).

EPA Resources

P2 Case Studies | Visit Page > 
Pollution prevention, E3: Economy, Energy, and Environment, and Green Suppliers Network case studies compiled by the EPA to be searchable via keyword, title, year, sector and processes used in achieving P2 results.

TRI Pollution Prevention Database Search | Search Database >
This database allows you to search through P2 activities reported on TRI forms, searchable via chemical, industry and year.

TRI Industry Profile | Visit Page >
With the TRI P2 Industry Profile Dashboard, you can quickly and easily filter TRI data for specific industry sectors. See the source reduction tab to see what P2 activities were completed for specific industries or chemicals.

P2 Publications for Businesses | Visit Page >
EPA has compiled many guidance documents on creating P2 plans, maintaining the P2 plan and industry-specific suggestions or best management practices.

Green Chemistry | Visit Page >
Green chemistry is a facet of source reduction. The resources provided here may help your business reduce toxic substance usage or hazardous waste generation during the planning and design stage.

Other Resources

P2 Infohouse | Visit Page >
The Pollution Prevention Services Infohouse is a searchable online collection of more than 50,000 P2 related publications, fact sheets, case studies and technical reports.

These resources and tips are for any facility looking to reduce water usage or pollution.

Quick Tips
  • Look for opportunities for closed-loop wastewater recycling systems.
  • Optimize basin clean-outs.
  • Assess whether pH balancing wastewater streams for reuse is feasible.
ADEQ Resources

Multi-Sector General Permit (MSGP) Information | Visit Page > 
This page can help you determine if there are specific permitting requirements for your business. The key to compliance with the MSGP is to keep pollutants out of stormwater through the use of proper P2 practices. These practices, or control measures, are site-specific and based on the nature of the activities and types of pollutants potentially exposed to and transported by stormwater.

EPA Resources

WaterSense | Visit Page > 
EPA’s WaterSense Program provides information and strategies for saving money and water that can help you manage your facility’s water use.

Other Resources

Recycling | Visit Page >

Program Coordinator
Ph: 602-771-8083
Email >