Revised On: Dec. 30th, 2024 - 03:52 pm
The site lies adjacent to Aravaipa Creek in the Aravaipa Valley, a broad valley within the basin and range physiographic province characterized uplifted fault-block mountains and broad flat valleys. Groundwater is found in unconsolidated (young alluvium) and semi-consolidated (basin fill sediments) alluvial deposits within the valley. Most groundwater is withdrawn from the younger alluvium.
Wells in the younger alluvium range from about ten to 100 feet (or more) in depth. Wells can yield up to 1200 gallons per minute. Groundwater is shallow along Aravaipa Creek, ranging from about ten to 60 feet below land surface.
Aravaipa Creek is ephemeral for much of its reaches (upstream of the site), has an intermittent reach starting at the Haby Spring (approximately 4.5 miles upstream of the site), and is ephemeral at the site and downstream of the site for about three to four miles. Perennial flow begins near the Nature Conservancy Preserve, due to a thinning of the younger alluvium where faulting has uplifted semi-consolidated and consolidated basin fill deposits. Aravaipa Creek is perennial through the Bureau of Land Management wilderness area.