Wind: Northeasterly winds of 20-25 mph, higher gusts
Stagnation: Evening stagnation
Wind: Easterly winds of 5-15 mph in the morning, becoming light by afternoon
Stagnation: Morning stagnation
Wind: Southwesterly winds of 20-25 mph, higher gusts
Stagnation: Morning and evening stagnation
Wind: Mostly light winds
This week, several low-pressure disturbances will pass through the region and result in periods of breezy winds in central Arizona. The breezy periods are this morning, Thursday afternoon, and Saturday afternoon. As for the air quality, dust is expected from the winds, given how dry it has been. For example, last night around midnight, Casa Grande saw really high PM10 (dust) levels.
For now, the dust risk is Moderate, but we'll re-evaluate if the risk should be increased on the windier days this week.