FIFRA 25(b) Pesticide Ingredient Approval
For approval of ingredients in an agriculture-use pesticide product under the FIFRA 25(b) exemption, applicants must submit the following:
- Cover letter, including a statement supporting the exemption request.
- ADEQ New Agricultural Use Pesticide Form | View/Download >
- Pesticide Product Label.
- Safety Data Sheets for the pesticide product.
- If the person submitting the application is acting as an agent to the applicant, an agency letter must also be provided.
All FIFRA 25(b) pesticide products must meet all content conditions listed on the EPA page for Conditions for Minimum Risk Pesticides | Visit EPA Page >
The FIFRA 25(b) pesticide products must also use specific active and inert ingredients | Active Ingredients List > | Inert Ingredients List >
Review begins once ADEQ has received all required application materials. To help expedite processing, please submit all application materials electronically via email | Email >
There is no fee for ADEQ application review.