Public Event
ADEQ is holding the following brown bag on free tools public water systems can use for financial planning.
Date: Nov. 10, 2021
Time: 11 a.m. – 12 p.m.
Location: Webinar | Register via GoToWebinar >
The webinar will be presented by the Environmental Finance Center Network (EFCN). EFCN is a university-based organization creating innovative solutions to difficult how-to-pay issues for water systems. EFCN works with the public and private sectors to promote financially sustainable utility management. The webinar will give an overview of the tools and resources public water systems can use to:
- Forecast their revenue losses from COVID-19 conditions,
- Assess the financial performance of their water system,
- Assess and set rates that will generate enough revenues to cover their expenses,
- Determine if their water rates are unaffordable to customers in their area, and
- Plan for different options to fund their capital projects in a feasible way.
Agenda | View/Download >
If you have any questions or concerns in regard to this webinar, please contact:
Reshet Gebremariam
P: 602-771-4220
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