Small drinking water system owners, managers and other interested parties are invited to a no-cost, two-day webinar on financial management and rates for small water systems.
Dates: Feb. 17 and 18, 2021
Time: 9 a.m. – 12 p.m. (both days)
Location: Webinar
Registration Information
Space is limited, so register today:
Workshop Details
It is crucial for water system owners and managers to understand the full costs of providing safe drinking water to customers. Adequate financial management includes developing an expense budget, ensuring a sufficient revenue stream, determining the appropriate rate structure, collecting reserve funds to cover the cost of future asset repairs and rehabilitations and increasing water rates when necessary.
Day 1 of the webinar will cover financial management for small water systems including budgeting.
Day 2 of the webinar will cover the fundamentals of water rates including water rate increases.
Professional development hours are available.
Agenda | View >
If you have any questions or concerns in regard to this workshop, please contact:
Reshet Gebremariam
P: 602-771-4220
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