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Public Event

Please join the Arizona Department of Transportation, ADEQ, National Weather Service offices in Phoenix and Tucson, along with other local, state and federal safety agencies for the following annual Dust Storm Workshop:

Date: March 24, 2022
Time: 8:30 a.m. – 12 p.m.
Location: Online via Google Meets | Register > | Join from your computer, tablet or smartphone on the meeting date/time >


This workshop brings together a diverse group of local, state and federal agencies to discuss and evaluate goals and solutions when it comes to dust events in Arizona. There will be a broad range of presentations and discussions, emphasizing steps communities can take to protect the public before, during and after dust storms. Presentations will include dust detection, dust mitigation and more. 

Agenda | View >

Media interested in attending should RSVP to [email protected]Representatives from various agencies will be available for interviews following the event.