WPD | Solid Waste - Composting

Revised On: Jan. 24, 2024 - 12:00 p.m.
Composting of refuse1 and manure is an acceptable disposal method2 when conducted in accordance with all applicable laws and statutes.
Household Composters
Household composters are those who compost refuse generated by their own household. For instance, those who use a backyard compost bin, tumbler or wire collector.
Household composters are not required to submit a notification to the Solid Waste Unit, nor receive approval, before beginning composting activities; however, they should maintain their composting systems in compliance with applicable codes and rules of local authorities and in a manner that that does not create a nuisance.
Want to start composting at home? | Learn More >
If you cannot compost at your home, there are commercial composting facilities and municipal programs that will accept your compostable household refuse and landscaping green wastes | Learn More >
Facilities Requiring a Composting Notification Approval
Commercial or government-owned composting facilities must provide notification to the ADEQ Solid Waste Unit no later than 30 days prior to operation for new facilities.3 The notification will be reviewed and, if necessary, ADEQ will request additional information from the notifying facility. The notification will then be approved by the Solid Waste Unit.
The notification is valid for the life of the facility, but should be amended as needed.
To help complete a notification and aid in the Solid Waste Unit's review, use ADEQ's Composting Notification Checklist | View/Download >
Note: It is not required that you fill out the checklist and return it along with your notification.
Additional Permitting Requirements for Composting Facilities
Approved facilities in Arizona compost everything from food wastes and green wastes to manure, dairy and agricultural wastes from off-site generators. The type of waste composted, the facility location and the potential for pollutants discharging to an aquifer influences are all factors that determine whether a composting facility is required to apply for additional determinations, approvals or permits.
Additional determinations or permits that may be required include a Determination of Applicability (DOA), an Aquifer Protection Permit (APP), and an individual or general Arizona Pollution Discharge Elimination System (AZPDES) permit.
ADEQ’s Groundwater and Surface Water Programs should be contacted to discuss whether these additional requirements apply to your composting facility.
- Groundwater Program | Learn More >
- Arizona Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (AZPDES) Individual Permit | Learn More >
You can also explore all permitting requirements that may be required specific to your business/industry | Learn More >
1As defined in A.A.C. § R18-13-302 (G)
2Per A.A.C. § R18-13-312 (3)
3Per A.R.S. § 49-762.07 (B)
Compliance Assistance & Complaint Line
Ph: 602-771-4673
Submit a Solid Waste Complaint >
Solid Waste Permits
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Solid Waste Inspections
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Solid Waste Compliance Assistance
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How to Compost at Home >
Composting Facilities >
Composting Facilities Map >