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P2 Section #3 | Detailing and Car Washes - Pg 5

P2 Self-Guided Automotive Maintenance and Repair Training

Section 3 | Detailing and Car Washes

Revised On: March 15 th, 2024 - 9:30 a.m.

Learning Objectives:

  • Spills and leaks
  • Cleaning parts
  • Waste Management
  • Customer and Employee Safety

General P2 Opportunities

Car washing activities can harm the environment, mainly when the wastewater is not adequately managed. This can result in contaminated water bodies, negatively impacting aquatic life and humans. The following section will explore several P2 opportunities that can transform a conventional car-washing business into a green company! We will discuss best practices to reduce exposure, effectively manage waste, and ensure the safety of both employees and customers. Not only will these activities help reduce the risk of pollution, but making sustainable changes is known to save money and attract business! 

Spills and Leaks 

To manage waste effectively and minimize environmental impact, it is essential to clean up spills promptly. Spill kits are valuable for containing spilled substances and minimizing their spread. Additionally, dry cleaning methods, such as using cat litter or dry rags, can effectively clean up spills without the need for additional cleaning agents. This can help prevent the need for degreasers during washing or rinsing.

Setting up a safe, designated cleaning area where water can be collected and properly disposed of is worth considering. It is crucial to avoid hosing down the lot or property into streets or storm drains. Refraining from washing vehicles or parts outside is also essential to prevent contamination. Using funnels can help prevent spills. Regularly sweeping floors can also help prevent debris or chemicals from being washed into the sewer system.

Fixing or replacing worn or leaky pipes, hoses, and equipment is recommended to prevent leaks or spills. Any fluids that may leak should be collected in drip pans, which should then be emptied into closed containers and disposed of properly. In most cases, waste fluids are stored in designated tanks that another company will collect. Leaky parts should also be stored in secondary containment. Remember to drain old parts of all liquids before disposal and storage. Avoid corrosion by using stainless steel or ceramic low-flow nozzles. Regularly check the nozzles for clogs and inspect the alignment.


When cleaning parts, utilize eco-friendly cleaning agents to prevent environmental pollution. Cleaning greasy or oily parts outside should be avoided. Designate a specific area for washing activities to minimize negative environmental impacts and reduce exposure. This site should recycle water and allow wastewater to drain directly into the sewer system. To ensure proper drainage, the area should be well-marked, paved, and contained. Oil changes or washing with solvents should be prohibited to avoid contamination.  If the facility uses steam cleaning, it should be included to prevent contamination. 

Consider using reusable rags instead of disposable paper towels to reduce paper waste when cleaning surfaces. However, contaminated rags must be cleaned and disposed of properly. To ensure the safety of employees and prevent hazardous chemicals from entering landfills or waterways, it may be necessary to have them professionally laundered. Alternatively, facilities can set up their own washer and dryer on-site, but only after taking thorough precautions to protect employees.

Substitutions and Safe Alternatives

Now that we know the risks associated with conventional chemicals, how can we prevent them from entering the environment? Well, the best way is to avoid using them all together. The EPA has compiled a list of safe alternatives to common chemicals used in various industries. Vehicles can be cleaned with biodegradable and phosphate-free detergents while maintaining high-quality results. The EPA’s Safer Choice products have undergone rigorous testing, evaluating chemical ingredients, packaging, VOCs, and pH levels. These cleaning agents are some of the safest on the market. This way, your business can stop using toxic substances but still get the job done! Vehicles should be washed exclusively with environmentally friendly products. 

Transitioning to different cleaning agents might take some time. To avoid generating additional chemical waste, slowly substitute cleaning agents as they run out instead of throwing existing products away. This will also help the business save money. Ship old or used liquid waste off-site regularly. All waste should be labeled appropriately, and old chemicals should not be stored for extended periods.

Safety and Education

To ensure the safety of employees and customers, provide water quality, waste management, and chemical handling training. Engaging the team in awareness and prevention activities will help minimize contamination. It may be worth considering implementing awareness activities to educate customers on environmental protection. Be sure to post signage that informs customers that your business is environmentally responsible! 

In addition, a designated decontamination cleaning area can be established to ensure employee safety. This area should be secure and well-equipped with a shower, eye wash station, and first aid kit in case of accidents. Employees should be trained on its usage in case of any incidents.


Did you know that car wash businesses pay for their water twice? They pay for it once through the water bill and again through the sewer bill. That's why installing an efficient closed-loop reclamation system is worth the investment. In a closed-loop recycling system, wastewater is screened, cleaned, and filtered before washing the next vehicle. This system is popular among car wash businesses because it offers economic advantages. One of the main benefits is that it results in 50%-80% water savings and a reduction of the facility's sewer bills 1. Installing a reclamation system also reduces the amount of chemicals needed. Recycling water reduces wear and tear on the washing equipment, leading to a longer lifespan and lower operating costs.


Investing in new equipment may come with higher upfront costs than traditional items. However, it's important to note that most sustainable equipment offers financial advantages. For example, investing in low-flow fixtures and high-pressure spray wands can reduce water bills and last much longer. Similarly, switching to stainless steel equipment from plastic can save a business time and money, as they have a longer lifespan. To conserve energy, replacing existing light bulbs with LEDs and installing solar panels can lead to lower energy consumption and savings on energy bills. Furthermore, there are additional incentives for harnessing solar energy, such as tax benefits and other perks available. 

Best Management Practices

  • Use the EPA’s  Safer Choice-certified products! Over 1,900 products are available, all of which have been tested for their packaging, pH levels, VOC content, and more.
  • Never change car fluids in the car washing area.
  • Pay special attention to the type of vehicles entering your car wash. Ensure work vehicles, like pesticide trucks, have been decontaminated before the wash.
  • Inspect hoses, valves, drainage systems (check for sediment build-up), and quality of operation.
  • Upkeep trenches to prevent sludge build-up
  • Keep a consistent maintenance schedule 
  • Remove excess sediments with dry methods 

Car washes can make a significant difference by shifting towards a more environmentally friendly business model. By implementing P2 activities, car washes will reduce their overall footprint. Investing in sustainable equipment will ensure waste is contained and discharged properly while saving money on utility costs. It will also improve overall efficiency, resulting in more business! Using eco-friendly cleaning agents will reduce the risk of water contamination and help keep our resources clean. Adopting environmentally conscious business practices can develop a positive brand image and attract customers who value sustainability. Becoming a green car wash requires careful planning and dedication, starting with best management practices and creating a sustainable work culture. It’s okay to take small steps. Whatever you decide to do first, you will be making a considerable effort toward helping Arizona conserve clean water and protect wildlife!

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