AQD | 2024 Revised Secondary (Welfare-Based) NAAQs for SO2
When EPA releases a new or revised NAAQS, the Governor of each state is required to submit recommended boundary designations to EPA, identifying all areas of the state as:
- Nonattainment (areas that do not meet the NAAQS, or areas that contribute to a nearby area not meeting the NAAQS),
- Attainment (areas that meet the NAAQS), or
- Unclassifiable (areas that cannot be classified as attainment or nonattainment based on available information).
The Arizona Governor’s recommendations for the 2024 revised annual secondary SO2 NAAQS are due to EPA by Dec. 10, 2025.
Pursuant to Arizona Revised Statutes (A.R.S.) § 49-405, ADEQ is the lead agency assisting the Arizona Governor in making the boundary recommendations. When developing the initial boundary recommendations, ADEQ will consider EPA’s five factors: air quality monitoring data, emissions and emissions-related data, meteorology, geography/topography, and jurisdictional boundaries.
EPA will make the final decision regarding how areas are classified. If EPA decides that it is necessary to modify a state's recommendation, then EPA will notify the state at least 120 days prior to finalizing the area designations to allow the state an opportunity to comment on the potential modification. EPA has until Dec. 10, 2026, to finalize the initial area designations, unless there is insufficient information. In such circumstances, EPA may take up to one additional year to make the designation decisions (i.e., no later than three years after promulgation of the standard).