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Out-of-State Exemption Qualifications:
- Vehicle must be out of the state for at least 90 days prior to your registration expiring.
- If your vehicle is in an area of a state (other than Arizona) that requires emissions testing, you must have your vehicle emissions tested there and submit a copy of the passing inspection report to ADEQ.
- If your vehicle is in an area of a state (other than Arizona) that does not require emissions testing, you can apply for an out-of-state exemption.
- You can now apply and pay using our online portal | Apply Now >
Military Exemption Qualifications:
- Show proof that your active military status has stationed you outside Arizona and the vehicle in question is not in use.
- If the vehicle is to be driven by someone else, please use the regular (non-military) out-of-state exemption option.
- You can now apply and pay using our online portal | Apply Now >