Hermosa Project Property Public Hearing Additional Information | April 28, 2021
ADEQ is following directives from the Governor’s Executive Orders as well as the Arizona Department of Health Services’ recommendations regarding public gatherings. As a result, the ADEQ Aquifer Protection Permit Hermosa Project Property Public Hearing will be a remote hearing only held via teleconference. There will be no physical public access location. ADEQ will use the GoToWebinar application to conduct the public hearing.
The public hearing will begin at 6 p.m. and continue until there are no longer people on the webinar who wish to make a verbal comment. Therefore, the hearing may end before or continue after the webinar end time (displayed in the confirmation email webinar registrants receive), depending on the number of commenters.
Though every effort was made in advance of the public hearing to ensure smooth proceedings, ADEQ requests and appreciates your patience and cooperation as we address any technical issues that may arise.
For Listeners (who do not wish to comment)
Individuals can listen to the public hearing by phone. If you do not wish to comment, we strongly encourage you to use the audio-only phone number and attendee code. This will help free up space on the webinar for people who wish to verbally comment.
Audio-only Phone Number: 914-614-3221
Audio-only Attendee Code: 568-059-066
For Commenters (who plan to provide verbal comments)
ADEQ will provide two options for public participation:
Option 1: Joining the public hearing using GoToWebinar on your computer, tablet or smartphone.
Please register for the public hearing and download the latest version of the GoToWebinar application on your device in advance to join | Register >
After you register, you will receive an email notification with a link to join the webinar for use at the start time of the public hearing. To avoid technical issues, please do not share this link with other participants or non-participants (including on any public website or social media), as the link is unique and only for you.
Note that video cameras will not be enabled and commenters will have voice-only capabilities.
Option 2: Joining the public hearing to provide verbal comment for those without internet access.
ADEQ will coordinate with individuals who do not have computer or internet capability to join via GoToWebinar, and wish to provide verbal comment during the public hearing.
For this option, please call Mike Sonenberg, Individual APP Unit Manager, between 9 a.m. – 4 p.m., Monday – Friday, at least 48 hours prior to the hearing at 602-771-4106.
What to Expect & Participation Tips
- Remote hearings often lack the same visual and social cues available during public, in-person hearings. Please be respectful and patient so all interested commenters can be fairly heard.
- Call in to the hearing or link to the webinar a few minutes prior to the scheduled start to allow time to resolve any technical issues. You will initially be in a virtual waiting room until the start time for the hearing.
- You will be muted until it is your turn to speak. While muted, you will be able to hear the proceedings and watch via the webinar if you are connected from a computer or mobile device.
- Please participate from a quiet environment so that the Hearing Officer can hear you when you are called to speak. If you are using the internet to connect to the hearing, try to ensure you have a good connection or strong signal.
- It is important to avoid creating acoustic feedback. If there are other devices near you that are tuned into the hearing, please make sure that the speaker volume of those devices is turned off when it is your turn to participate.
- The Hearing Officer will maintain order during the hearing as is customary in public hearings, and individuals who are disruptive may be removed from the webinar or have their connection muted.