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AQD | Mcdust Forecast


Stagnation: Morning and evening stagnation

Wind: Mostly light winds


Stagnation: Morning stagnation

Wind: Northerly winds of 10-15 mph in the evening


Stagnation: Evening stagnation

Wind: Easterly winds of 5-10 mph


Stagnation: Morning and evening stagnation

Wind: Light easterly winds


Stagnation: Morning and evening stagnation

Wind: Light southwesterly winds


It's beginning to feel more like summer as high temperatures approach the upper 80s today and tomorrow in central AZ. Generally calm conditions continue to envelop the region due to an inactive upper air pattern.

By Wednesday, this however will change as multiple systems sweep across the state, with the first bringing along mainly gusty winds. The second system will enter the region on Saturday, bringing with it moisture instead of just wind. Though we are still over 5 days out from this second system, we can't rule out a chance for some light rain! Of course with these systems, most precipitation will fall to the northern half of the state.

As for air quality, particulates will persist in the low-mid Moderate AQI due to morning activity. Ozone increased into the Moderate AQI for the first time this year last week, with a similar trend expected for this week. Ozone fortunately will remain in the low Moderate AQI, with no exceedances currently expected.

Have a great start to your week!

- B. Droppleman
ADEQ Meteorologist