Wind: Northeasterly winds of 20-25 mph, higher gusts, in the afternoon
Stagnation: Evening stagnation
Wind: Mostly light winds
Stagnation: Morning and evening stagnation
Wind: Southwesterly winds of 15-25 mph, higher gusts, in the afternoon
Stagnation: Morning and evening stagnation
Wind: Southwesterly winds of 15-20 mph, higher gusts, in the afternoon
Stagnation: Evening stagnation
Wind: Southwesterly winds of 10-15 mph in the afternoon
This week, changes in the air quality will be driven by the winds, or the lack of winds. Multiple periods of breezy conditions are expected: Thursday morning/afternoon, Saturday afternoon, and Sunday afternoon. During these times, elevated PM10 (dust) levels are expected, especially for dust-prone areas. At other times, when winds are on the lighter side, PM10 will be locally driven. Therefore, we expect elevated PM10 levels during overnight/morning hours on several days.
A Moderate dust risk will be in place for tomorrow because of the potential for elevated PM10 from local morning activity and afternoon dust. But for the rest of the period, the dust risk is Low.