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Surface Water Individual Permit

Water Fees

New FY25 Surface Water Individual Permit Fees

Large facilities like municipal wastewater treatment plants, mines, Individual municipal separate storm sewer systems (MS4) or other industrial facilities that discharge to a Water of the United States (WOTUS) or a water on the Protected Surface Water List (PSWL). These fees are subject to an annual adjustment and will be updated annually on this page. Facilities are subject to:

  • Hourly fees of $180 per hour
  • Maximum fee caps

Permit Type

Maximum Fee

Individual permit for municipal separate storm sewer system


Individual permit for wastewater treatment plant (based on gallons of discharge per day)


3,000 to 99,999


100,000 to 999,999


1,000,000 to 9,999,999


10,000,000 or more











Individual permit for a facility or activity that is not a wastewater treatment plant or a municipal separate storm sewer


Amendment to an individual permit


Approval of a new or revised pretreatment program under AZPDES


Consolidated individual permit for multiple AZPDES individual permits, as allowed under A.A.C. R18-9-B901(C)

Aggregate of the
applicable maximum fees



Permit Type

Annual Fee

Annual Registration Fee if Facility is Not Yet Constructed

Municipal separate storm sewer system



Wastewater treatment plant (based on gallons of discharge per day):


Less than 99,999

100,000 to 999,999

1,000,000 to 9,999,999

10,000,000 or more
















Facility or activity that is not a wastewater treatment plant or municipal separate storm sewer and designated in the permit as either:















Pretreatment program



Consolidated individual permit for multiple AZPDES

individual permits, as allowed under A.A.C. R18-9-B901(C)

Aggregate of the applicable annual fees of each individual permit

Aggregate of the applicable annual fees of each individual permit