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WQD | Advanced Water Purification | Technical Advisory Group

Rulemaking | Advanced Water Purification

Technical Advisory Group

Revised on: August 29, 2023 - 10:28 a.m.

ADEQ formed the following technical advisory group (TAG) to assist in developing an implementable advanced water purification (previously referred to as direct potable reuse) rule and program.

The TAG will continue efforts began by a work group in 2017 to create a more robust advanced water purification (AWP) rule and program than currently exists in A.A.C. R18-9-E701. The group will have a charter describing the scope of work, the group’s commitments and a high-level schedule.

Draft Technical Advisory Group Charter | View/Download >

Members of the TAG have met twice a month to contribute their recommendations on AWP topics including: pathogen control, chemical control, enhanced source control, advanced water treatment and outreach. ADEQ invites stakeholders and interested parties to review the result of that work:

Advanced Water Purification (AWP) TAG Recommendations document | View/Download >

ADEQ used the TAG recommendations in conjunction with other sources to develop the AWP program framework or “AWP Roadmap” | View/Download Roadmap >


The TAG will consist of 21 to 25 stakeholders and will meet virtually at least monthly as a full group, starting the end of Q1 2022. Members will be expected to attend meetings and do research and draft deliverables as needed between meetings.

Group members will consist of technical and policy level experts with knowledge and experience in one or more of the following:

  • Technology and engineering
  • Outreach
  • Reclaimed water and how it interacts with the Aquifer Protection Permit program
  • Safe Drinking Water Act
  • Wastewater treatment technology and/or operations
  • Drinking water treatment technology and/or operations
  • Arizona water supplies and community planning
  • Medical expertise on pathogen and chemical impacts on public health
  • Academic expertise in pathogens and chemistry as related to wastewater and/or drinking water
  • Industrial operations and industrial wastewater

Membership will be selected based on the following criteria:

  • Technical and/or policy experience and expertise in the above-named subject matter
  • Willingness to fully participate
  • Diversity of backgrounds and interests
  • Geographic diversity


  • The TAG will complete tasks, including:
  • Provide input to ADEQ on how to prioritize issues based on varying stakeholder perspectives
  • Provide information to the group and guide ADEQ in its decision-making process
  • Draft analyses as necessary to inform the group and guide ADEQ
  • Review ADEQ documents and providing feedback and edits


The group will provide input on several topics, including:

  • Cross-cutting laws, including the Safe Drinking Water Act, Aquifer Protection Permit program and the Clean Water Act
  • Source water characterization, monitoring, and collection and control
  • Pathogen controls
  • Chemical controls
  • Monitoring of conveyances, treatment processes (e.g., critical control points) and product water
  • Operation and maintenance
  • Contingency planning
  • Managerial, operational, technical, and financial capacity and reporting
  • Operator certification
  • Terminology
  • Water supply issues and options
  • Fees
  • Funding sources for drinking and wastewater
  • Strategies for public outreach

The TAG will likely assign subgroups specific to a particular topic, given each member's expertise.


The TAG will also advise ADEQ in completing the following documents, which ADEQ will send out for stakeholder feedback:

  • AWP Proposed Program Roadmap | View/Download >
  • Draft Rules
  • Draft Technical Guidance
  • Draft Community Guidance (potentially)
  • Implementation Documents (potentially)

In alignment with ADEQ's AWP project schedule, the TAG will complete tasks by Q1 2025.