Yuma | PM-10 Nonattainment Area
County Affected:
Yuma County | View on a Map >
Nonattainment Area Designation Date:
Nov. 6, 1991
(56 FR 56694)
Classification Level:
Pollutant of Concern:
PM10 (particulate matter 10 microns or less in diameter; 1987 standards)
The concentration of PM10 in the air in Yuma is frequently above federal standards. ADEQ is developing a nonattainment State Implementation Plan (SIP) to improve the air quality in this area. The plan will include an updated emissions inventory, modeling demonstration, strategy for Exceptional Events and rules for PM10 controls.
Sources of Pollutant:
- Unpaved roads
- Construction
- Windblown dust
- Unpaved farm roads
- Emissions from across the border
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