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West Central Phoenix — West Grand Avenue | Delisted WQARF Site

Delisted WQARF Site

West Central Phoenix — West Grand Avenue | Site Overview

Revised On: Jan. 3, 2023 - 7:30 a.m.

The West Central Phoenix West Grand Avenue WQARF site was located in Phoenix, approximately bounded by Osborn Road to the north, Earll Drive to the south, 33rd Avenue to the east and 35th Avenue to the west.

Site Status: Removed from Registry

 On May 29, 2017, ADEQ removed this site from the WQARF registry, as regulatory cleanup levels have been achieved and no further action will take place.

Contaminants of Concern

Trichloroethene (TCE)

Action Taken

Early Response Actions (ERAs) completed at the site, including underground storage tank removal, soil excavation and the operation of a soil vapor extraction system, have addressed contamination in vadose zone soils. TCE is the only contaminant that was found at levels above its Aquifer Water Quality Standard (AQWS) of 5 micrograms per liter (µg/L) in the groundwater at the site. Following completion of the ERAs, TCE concentrations in groundwater steadily decreased to below the AWQS of 5 µg/L.

Based on the results of two groundwater sampling events in January 2016 and April 2016, the TCE concentrations remained less than the AWQS of 5 µg/L.  Following determination that TCE concentrations continued to be less than the AWQS, all wells associated with the site were abandoned in accordance with the applicable Arizona Department of Water Resources requirements.

Site Hydrogeology

The site is located within the West Salt River Valley sub-basin of the Phoenix Active Management Area. The Salt River Valley is an alluvial filled basin located in the basin and range physiographic province. The site is underlain by primarily sandy silts and silty sands with interbedded clay layers and gravelly sand zones.

Due principally to the lining of the SRP Grand Canal to the north of the site and the ongoing drought, depth to groundwater has declined considerably in the past several years. In 1992, the depth to groundwater was approximately 98 feet below ground surface (bgs), and by April 2002, it was approximately 124 feet. The most recent depth to groundwater was 151.05 feet bgs. Groundwater flow is to the south-southwest beneath the site.

Community Involvement

A community advisory board (CAB) was formed for this site. They completed their review process and are no longer meeting. Past CAB meeting agendas and minutes can be viewed at the ADEQ Records Center | Learn How >

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