PUBLIC NOTICE | Proposed Leaking UST Case Closure for Former Fedmart #206
ADEQ is considering closure of the following leaking underground storage tank (LUST) case:
LUST Case File No.: 1618.01-02
Facility ID No.: 0-006237
Location: Maricopa County
Facility address:
Former Fedmart #206
3010 NW Grand Avenue
Phoenix, AZ 85017
The facility is currently occupied by Shamrock Towing and is used as a vehicle impoundment yard. The underground storage tanks (USTs) were removed in December 1990. Two LUST releases associated with the UST tank pit and the dispenser island were assigned.
The UST Owner, Sunbelt Stores Inc., began site characterization in 1991. Remedial activities began in 2010 and continued through 2015 both on and off site. A total of 64 remedial wells were installed. Vapor Extraction (VE), Air Sparge (AS) and Groundwater Extraction (GE) systems operated sporadically during the remediation period. A total of 309,606 pounds of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) (the equivalent of 49,936 gallons of gasoline).
Review Document
Review results of remedial activities and the entire public notice | View/Print >
Public Comment Period
Dates: March 2, 2017 – March 16, 2017
Comments may be submitted as follows:
By Email | Send Email >
By Mail (Must be postmarked or received by March 16, 2017):
Scott Goodwin
Waste Programs Division
1110 W. Washington Street
Phoenix, AZ 85007
Documents may also be reviewed in person at the ADEQ Record Center | Learn More >