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WPD | Solid Waste - Prescription Drug Disposal

Solid Waste Section | Biohazardous Medical Waste

Prescription Drug Disposal

Revised On: Jan. 25th, 2024 - 11:43 am

Revised On: Jan. 24, 2024 - 2:30 p.m.

Why Is Proper Prescription Drug Disposal Important?

Improperly discarded drugs threaten public health and our environment with the potential to:

  • Poison children and animals that may find the medication
  • Be scavenged and sold unlawfully
  • Pass through sewage treatment plants and septic tanks and contaminate groundwater and soil

How Can You Help Protect Your Community?

  • Practice safe drug disposal at home by following these guidelines:
  • Find the closest drop box location for unused, unneeded or expired prescription and over-the-counter drugs | Drop Box Locator >
  • Discard your unused, unneeded or expired prescription and over-the-counter drugs in the drop box.
  • If you cannot locate a convenient drop box: 

STEP 1: Remove unused, unneeded or expired prescription drugs from their original containers.

STEP 2: Place them in an impermeable, nondescript container.

STEP 3: Mix them with an encapsulating agent to further ensure they are not diverted or accidentally ingested by children or pets or contaminate groundwater.

STEP 4: Seal the container tightly and throw it in the trash.

Prescription Drug Disposal Fact Sheet | View/Download >

Commercial Disposal

For commercial prescription drug disposal check with a registered biohazardous medical waste transporter. Learn more about commercial drug waste disposal | View EPA Guide >