OpCert | Examination

Operator Certification Examination
Arizona Classification and Grade Levels
- Water Distribution Exam — Grade 1, 2, 3, 4 (D)
- Water Treatment Exam — Grade 1, 2, 3, 4 (T)
- Wastewater Treatment Exam — Grade 1, 2, 3, 4 (W)
- Wastewater Collections Exam — Grade 1, 2, 3, 4 (C)
Exam Details
Arizona utilizes the Water Professionals International (WPI) exams, formally known as the Association of Boards of Certification (ABC), for operator certifications.
You have three hours to complete this multiple-choice, 100 scored question exam. Only one exam may be taken in a three-hour period. You must earn a score of 70 points or greater to successfully pass the exam. ADEQ has approved the following locations to administer the WPI exams:
- Gateway Community College Testing | Learn More >
- City of Phoenix Testing | Learn More >
- Central Arizona College | Learn More >
Exam scores for web-based exams will be available immediately upon completion of the test. The Individual Mastery Report (IMR) will be sent to the email address provided during registration.
Please read each proctoring location’s policy and send email directly to GateWay Community College, Central Arizona College, or the City of Phoenix to cancel or reschedule exams.
If you are an existing operator, you must wait one year (365 days) from the effective date of your current grade before testing for the next grade up. Check the effective date of your certification to verify when you can test and upgrade.
Information you need to know for the exam:
The WPI homepage houses exam resources such as reference materials, formula sheets, and the Need-to-Know Criteria documents, which cover the core competencies needed to pass the exams | Visit WPI's Website >
What to bring to the exam:
- A Photo ID must be presented before the test.
- ADEQ allows the use of non-programmable calculators and formula/conversion sheets. Formula and conversion sheets will be supplied at the testing site.
Exam Security Policies
To uphold the integrity of the exam, we require all examinees to follow policies and procedures to keep the questions secure.
- Ensure the exam given to you is the same exam you registered for.
- Exam materials must stay in the testing room.
- If you have questions or concerns about a particular question, follow procedure and flag the question during the exam.
- Question banking is prohibited.
Our contractors are required to report cases of cheating to ADEQ and WPI. Depending on the incident, you will be prohibited from certifying with ADEQ and your existing certifications may be revoked. Revocation is permanent.
Examinees can report cases of cheating by contacting the Operator Certification Program or submitting a ticket to our Feedback Tracker.
More information about becoming certified:
If you are an existing operator, you must wait one year (365 days) before testing for the next Grade up. Check the effective date of your certification to verify when you can test and upgrade.
The following "How to Become Certified" document cover topics listed on the ABC Need-to-Know Criteria. Providing this list of references does not constitute an endorsement. The references on the list are not the only training materials available. Although you may use these resources in preparation for certification examinations, this list does not imply that any one of these references includes all information contained on an operator certification exam.
How to Become Certified | View >
Operator Certification Grade Requirements | View >
Need to access the Operator Certification Portal?
Read the portal guide | View/Download >
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