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Monitoring Waivers | Drinking Water Compliance Assistance

Drinking Water Compliance Assistance

Monitoring Waivers

Revised On: Nov. 27th, 2024 - 12:32 pm

A monitoring waiver relieves the public water system from the requirement to test for regulated inorganic chemical (IOC), synthetic organic chemical (SOC), or volatile organic chemical (VOC) contaminants during a compliance period at a specific sampling point.

Waivers are not allowed for total and fecal coliform bacteria, nitrate, nitrite, turbidity, free chlorine residual, lead and copper, disinfection byproducts, and radiochemicals. These waivers are designed to set monitoring frequencies based on a systems' vulnerability to contamination. Waivers are issued on an entry point to the distribution system (EPDS) basis.

Public water systems can save up to thousands of dollars on monitoring with chemical waivers. The waiver application process is detailed and time consuming for both water system owners and operators. The purpose of these waivers are to save money for the water systems as well as confidence of the exposure of the regulated chemical contaminant to the systems' water users. 

Application and Renewal Deadlines

All waiver renewals are due by October 1 of the last year of the monitoring period.

Other Requirements

All Community and Non-Transient, Non-Community Water Systems may apply for IOC monitoring waivers, however ADEQ deems surface water and Groundwater Under the Direct Influence of Surface Water (GUDI) systems too high risk to be approved for organics (i.e., SOC and VOC) monitoring waivers.


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