Revised On: Dec. 24th, 2024 - 12:45 pm
EPA #: AZD980695969
Superfund National Priority List (NPL) Placement: Sept. 8, 1983
The South Indian Bend Wash (SIBW) site represents the southern portion of the Indian Bend Wash (IBW) Superfund site. The site’s NPL study area boundary encompasses approximately four square miles in Tempe, Arizona, which is bounded by Apache Boulevard on the south, Rural/Scottsdale Road on the west, Price Road on the east, and proximate to Curry Road (Salt River) on the north | View Map >
Contaminants of Concern (COCs)
Soil | Solvents
The former NPL COCs in soil include solvents. The Remedial Action Completion Report dated June 2020 demonstrated that no further remediation for these COCs is needed for both soil and soil gas.
Groundwater | Per-and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS)
PFAS are currently being investigated as an emerging contaminant of concern.
If you have a private well in the vicinity, we encourage you to test the well water. Not sure what to test for? | Learn More >
COCs at the site may change as new data become available.
Action Taken
- Remedial Action completed in 2020
- Third Five-Year Review completed in 2021
The five-year review concluded the remedies in place are protective and no health risks are associated with vapor intrusion. The five-year review further concluded there is no current exposure to PFAS, however, additional evaluation to the extent of PFAS is underway.
In the Remedial Investigation phase to identify the nature and extent of the PFAS contamination. Currently in the field collection stage of the Remedial Investigation.
Learn more about this Superfund site on the EPA website | View >