WQD | DW | Monitoring Assistance Program (MAP)

Monitoring Assistance Program (MAP)
Developed in the 1990s by the State of Arizona, the Monitoring Assistance Program (MAP) helps small drinking water systems comply with the Safe Drinking Water Act by assisting with the collection, transportation, analysis and reporting of regulated contaminants taken at the entry point to the distribution systems (EPDS). All community and non-transient non-community public water systems serving less than 10,000 people are required to participate in MAP.
State or federally owned water systems or those with populations greater than 10,000 may opt to participate in MAP if they abide all MAP guidelines and continue participating in the program for at least three years.
Participation Benefits
MAP provides water systems with required baseline sampling at an economies of scale rate by contracting large volumes of sampling in a competitive bid environment. Participation in MAP also ensures that proper water quality monitoring is conducted by adhering to the Safe Drinking Water Information System Database (SDWIS) schedule.
Participation Fees
Each system is charged a $250 base fee and $2.57 per service connection1 annually. This money is deposited into a fund for hiring a private contractor through the state procurement bid process. The contractor collects, transports, analyzes and reports results of baseline samples to MAP systems and ADEQ.
ADEQ is undergoing a rulemaking to update MAP fees. Visit the active rulemaking page for more information | View >
Updates to MAP Invoicing
Invoices are sent the beginning of the first month of the quarter in which your system is billed and due within 30 days of the invoice date. The owner of the system as of the invoice date is responsible for payment. If a system is sold or ownership transferred within 30 days of the invoice date, ADEQ can credit the previous owner and reissue the invoice to the new owner. If the system is in the process of being sold during the 30-day window, the invoice remains the responsibility of the owner as of the invoice date.
The program samples for regulated inorganic contaminants, volatile organic contaminants, synthetic organic contaminants, asbestos, radionuclides, nitrite, nitrate, sodium and nickel. MAP does not monitor for total coliform bacteria, disinfection byproducts, minimum residual disinfection levels, lead and copper. Testing for these contaminants remains the responsibility of public water systems and generally are taken inside the building or distribution system on a much more frequent basis.
When sampling results meet or exceed the maximum contaminant levels or reporting limits, MAP will not sample for increased monitoring. In either of these scenarios, the system is responsible for collecting samples and providing ADEQ with the results.
Update Cards
Each year, MAP provides a postage-paid update card to all MAP participants to help systems comply with Arizona Administrative Code (AAC) guidelines.2 Information gathered from the MAP Update Cards is used to assess MAP fees and update system information, including contact information, information about the population served and the number of service connections. Failure to return the MAP Update Card with accurate population information may impact system sampling schedules that are not overseen by MAP (i.e., total coliform, lead and copper, and DBP). Further, an inaccurate MAP Update Card may result in inaccurate invoicing. Please carefully review all MAP information and return.
Sample MAP Update Card | View/Download >
Detailed Monitoring Schedules
The monitoring schedules for systems participating in the program are now available | Schedule by County >
Visit our frequently asked questions page to find answers | Read FAQs >
1As defined in the Arizona Administrative Code (AAC) Drinking Water Rules: “Service Connection means a location at the meter or, in the absence of a meter, at the curb stop or building inlet.”
2AAC R 18-4-303 (B) — The legal owner of a public water system participating in the monitoring assistance program shall notify the department of:
- The legal owner's current mailing address and phone number.
- The population currently being served by the system.
- The public water system identification number.
- The number of meters or service connections being served by the water system.