Revised On: Dec. 24th, 2024 - 12:54 pm
EPA #: AZD980695969
Superfund National Priority List (NPL) Placement: Sept. 8, 1983
The North Indian Bend Wash (NIBW) site is the northern portion of the area designated as the Indian Bend Wash (IBW) Superfund site. The site is located in Scottsdale, Arizona, and the site is bounded by McDonald Drive to the north, Pima Road to the east, 68th Street to the west, and the McKellips Road to the south. The plume boundary varies and may extend beyond the site boundary but remains part of the Superfund site in its entirety | View Map >
Contaminants of Concern (COCs)
Soil | Solvents
The COCs in soil include volatile organic compounds (VOCs) including Trichloroethelene (TCE), tetrachloroethene (PCE), 1,1-dichloroethene (1,1-DCE), and chloroform.
Groundwater | Solvents
The COCs in soil include volatile organic compounds (VOCs) including Trichloroethelene (TCE), tetrachloroethene (PCE), 1,1-dichloroethene (1,1-DCE), and chloroform.
If you have a private well in the vicinity of the exceedance, we encourage you to test the well water.
Not sure what to test for? | Learn More >
Other | Per-and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS)
PFAS are currently being investigated as an emerging contaminant of concern.
COCs at the site may change as new data become available.
Action Taken
Third Five-Year Review completed in 2021. The five-year review concluded the remedies in place are protective of groundwater, indoor air near where soil was contaminated will need to be re-evaluated.
Long term groundwater extraction and treatment is ongoing as part of the remedy from 10 extraction wells and treated at five treatment facilities for groundwater COCs. All Groundwater treated at the site is beneficially used. Vapor intrusion in Area 7 and PFAS are currently under investigation.
Learn more about this Superfund site on the EPA website | View >