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Public Notice
Waste Division

ADEQ has issued a record of decision (ROD), which is deemed a final administrative decision as defined by Arizona Revised Statutes §41-1092 for the 16th Street and Camelback Water Quality Assurance Revolving Fund (WQARF) site in Phoenix, Arizona. The ROD contains a description of the remedy, a responsiveness summary regarding all comments received on the proposed remedial action plan, a time for completing the remedy, and a total estimated cost.


The 16th Street and Camelback WQARF site consists of a plume located in Phoenix, AZ. The plume is bounded approximately by Camelback Road to the north, Highland Avenue to the south, 17th Street to the east, and 15th Street to the west.

The contaminant of concern at the site is tetrachloroethene (PCE).

Review Documents

Original Published Public Notice | View/Print >
Record of Decision | Download >

For more information on this notice, contact:
Kevin Snyder
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You may also review the above documentation in person at the ADEQ Record Center | Learn How >