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Leaking Underground Storage Tank Priority Code Listing

Underground Storage Tank (UST) Section

Leaking UST Priority Code Listing

Revised On: Dec. 13, 2023 - 2:30 p.m.

Priority codes are used to describe the status, site conditions and general details about leaking underground storage tank cases. The values identify whether a case is open or closed and if it has impacted soil and/or groundwater.  For closed release cases (look for a “5” in the code), the values also indicate risk-based closure levels.

Priority Codes

1 — Known or probable effects on groundwater or affects soils to a depth within 30 feet of groundwater depth

1D — Defined soil and groundwater requires remediation

1DF — Defined soil and groundwater requires remediation with free product present

1DR — Remediation ongoing for defined soil and groundwater contamination

1DRF — Remediation ongoing for defined soil and groundwater contamination with free product present

1DW — Defined soil, groundwater, surface water requires remediation

1DWR — Remediation ongoing for defined soil, groundwater, surface water contamination

1F — Undefined release to groundwater with free product present on groundwater and/or surface water

1FR — Remediation ongoing for undefined release to groundwater with free product present on groundwater and/or surface water

1PC — Pending closure for defined groundwater contamination

1R  — Remediation ongoing for undefined soil and groundwater contamination

1W — Undefined groundwater contamination with impacted surface water

1WR — Remediation ongoing for undefined groundwater contamination with impacted surface water  

3 — Undefined soil contamination requires remediation

3D — Defined soil contamination requires remediation

3DR — Remediation ongoing for defined soil contamination

3PC — Pending closure for defined soil-only contamination

3R — Remediation ongoing for undefined soil contamination

Closed Release Cases

5G1  — Soil/groundwater levels meet Risk-Based Corrective Action (RBCA) Tier 1

5G1D — Soil/groundwater levels meet Risk-Based Corrective Action (RBCA) Tier 1, recorded Declaration of Environmental Use Restriction (DEUR)

5G4 —Soil and groundwater contamination. Groundwater concentrations in excess of Aquifer Water Quality Standards (AWQS) have been determined to not be a risk under A.A.C. R18-12-263.04 1

5R1 — Soil levels meet Risk-Based Corrective Action (RBCA) Tier 1

5R1D — Soil levels meet Risk-Based Corrective Action (RBCA) Tier 1, recorded Declaration of Environmental Use Restriction (DEUR)

5R3 — Soil levels meet Risk-Based Corrective Action (RBCA) Tier 3


6 — Incident/tank was determined not to be underground storage tank jurisdiction and referred to another program

7 — Leaking underground storage tank case close-out involving a combination with an existing leaking underground storage tank(s) number/case at the same facility

9 — Closed due to being a duplicate leaking underground storage tank record

10 — Case is being managed by EPA

Historical Priority Codes

2S — Suspected release, unknown whether or not soil contamination exists

5G1V — Soil/groundwater levels meet Risk-Based Corrective Action (RBCA) Tier 1, recorded Voluntary Environmental Mitigation Use Restriction (VEMUR)

5G2 — Soil/groundwater levels meet Risk-Based Corrective Action (RBCA) Tier 2

5G3 —Soil/groundwater levels meet Risk-Based Corrective Action (RBCA) Tier 3

5G4D — Soil and groundwater contamination. Groundwater concentrations in excess of Aquifer Water Quality Standards (AWQS) have been determined to not be a risk under A.A.C. R18-12-263.04. 1 Declaration of Environmental Use Restriction (DEUR) recorded for soil contamination.

5R1V — Soil levels meet Risk-Based Corrective Action (RBCA) Tier 1, recorded Voluntary Environmental Mitigation Use Restriction (VEMUR)

5R2 — Soil levels meet Risk-Based Corrective Action (RBCA) Tier 2

5R2D — Soil levels meet Risk-Based Corrective Action (RBCA) Tier 2, recorded Declaration of Environmental Use Restriction (DEUR)

5R2V — Soil levels meet Risk-Based Corrective Action (RBCA) Tier 2, recorded Voluntary Environmental Mitigation Use Restriction (VEMUR)

5R3D — Soil levels meet Risk-Based Corrective Action (RBCA) Tier 3, recorded Declaration of Environmental Use Restriction (DEUR)

5R3DI — Soil levels meet Risk-Based Corrective Action (RBCA) Tier 3, recorded Declaration of Environmental Use Restriction (DEUR) with institutional control(s)

5R3V — Soil levels meet Risk-Based Corrective Action (RBCA) Tier 3, recorded Voluntary Environmental Mitigation Use Restriction (VEMUR)

5S — Closed case for suspected release (release not confirmed)

8 — Suspected case closed out by State Lead to become a confirmed release

1Under R18-12-263.04