ADEQ is holding the following half-day webinar on threats water systems in Arizona may face and appropriate risk mitigation measures. The webinar will discuss lessons learned from conducting risk and resilience assessments and developing emergency response plans, as required by Section 2013 of America's Water Infrastructure Act (AWIA).
Date: June 22, 2021
Time: 8 a.m. – 12 p.m.
Location: Webinar | Register to Join >
Agenda | View/Download >
The webinar will have four modules:
- Threats, Asset Criticalities & Vulnerabilities (50 min): Module will provide an overview of the likely threats that water systems in different parts of Arizona face and how they may impact critical assets.
- Risk Mitigation Measures (50 min): Module will review improvements to physical assets that may be required to mitigate risk to water systems.
- Security Risk Mitigation Measures (50 min): Module will review improvement measures to mitigate physical and cyber-attack threats.
- Business Risk Mitigation Measures (50 min): Module will review improvement measures to business processes, asset management & finances to ensure resilience.
Presenter: Kal Raman, P.E., is a Principal at KUV Consultants, LLC. He has assisted more than 40 large, medium and small water systems in the last two years with conducting the risk and resilience Assessment that is required to comply with Section 2013 of America’s Water Infrastructure Act (AWIA). Kal has more than 30 years of experience in the water industry and is a registered Sanitary Engineer in the State of Arizona.
If you have any questions or concerns in regard to this workshop, please contact:
Reshet Gebremariam
P: 602-771-4220
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